
The Friday Focus 03/04/15

We’ve been on our travels this week, having a road trip around the country. Most of this week has been spent travelling around Scotland where we’ve experienced all kinds of…

The Friday Focus 27/03/15

The coughs and colds might continue to linger, but with my big girl performing in her first ever preschool concert this week and both my girlies receiving signing certificates at…

The Friday Focus – 20/03/15

This week has been one of coughs, colds, teething and broken nights leaving me feeling somewhat drained by the end of it.   Hubby has had a busy week on the…

The Friday Focus – 13/03/15

It’s been quite an eventful week on the whole with hubby being back home again, various trips out and about, a couple of trips down to see my mum and…

The Friday Focus – 06/03/15

Whilst this week has been quite challenging in many respects, I have been trying to stay positive rather than letting the challenges overwhelm me. Sophie has been a little happier…

The Friday Focus 27/02/15

With hubby away, Sophie and I both full of cold and therefore more grumpy than usual, Jessica hitting the “why?” stage this week, the battery on my car going kaput,…

The Friday Focus 20/02/15

This week has seen the start of Lent and with it the beginning of my 40acts challenge – 40 acts of generosity across the 40 days of Lent. It’s a…

The Friday Focus – 13/02/15

This week has been all about raising awareness of CHDs for heart week and nearly all of my blog posts this week have been focused on this. It’s also a…

The Friday Focus – 06/02/15

I’ve been flying solo this week as hubby has been away working on an event all week. On the whole, it’s not been too bad though apart from having one…

The Friday Focus – 30/01/15

This week has been a bit of a mixed one on the whole. There have been good moments, fun moments, grumpy moments, tired moments and anxious moments all thrown in…