The Friday Focus – 30/01/15

This week has been a bit of a mixed one on the whole. There have been good moments, fun moments, grumpy moments, tired moments and anxious moments all thrown in together.
The Friday Focus 30/01/15 - Little Hearts, Big Love
We had Jessica’s cardiac check-up yesterday and whilst we are thankful that her heart function is currently good and things are fairly stable, we are starting to think more about her next major operation which is starting to loom on the horizon and I’m starting to feel a little more anxious now that it is starting to feel more ‘real’. It would be best to avoid her having the op during the winter months (PICU is often busier due to winter illnesses) and so the team need to get together to decide whether the op will take place later this year or whether Jessica should be able to wait until Spring 2016 (or beyond). In the meantime, we have a check-up planned for May and will await further news on this front.

The Friday Focus 30/01/15 - Little Hearts, Big LoveTravelling back from our cardiac check-up, our car was hit from behind whilst we were (thankfully) in slow-moving traffic on the motorway. Both girls seemed fine although were shaken up and upset initially but being the neurotic heart mummy I am, I wanted to get Jessica checked out just to be on the safe side. We have open access to our local children’s ward and called to see if we could take her in to be checked. They advised us to go to A&E instead where after an ECG and a check-up, the doctors were happy Jessica was fine.   Both girls have been fine this evening and hubby and myself are also okay too apart from the inevitable soreness and whiplash which has now kicked in. I’ve got an appointment already booked with my chiropractor in the hope she can sort me out!

Check-ups and car accidents aside though it has been a fairly positive week on the whole.


Out and About:

We’ve enjoyed time at the park – Jessica particularly likes the trampoline at the moment and Sophie enjoys trying to climb up the slide. So far we haven’t had any snow here though.

The Friday Focus 30/01/15 - Little Hearts, Big Love

Fun at home:
We’ve been having lots of fun doing crafts at home – Jessica likes to do ‘making’ whilst Sophie has her afternoon nap and we’ve enjoyed creating a hat from a paper plate and bowl and covering it with tissue paper and stickers, plus doing lots of butterfly printing and making a butterfly from a paper plate.

Papery Peep (January) - Little Hearts, Big Love

Time for me:
I got to sleep in one morning this week whilst hubby got the girls ready for the day – blissful!

On the blog:

I published a post earlier this week about the work of Tiny Tickers, a children’s heart charity, and the work they do in helping improve early detection of congenital heart defects. It’s been good to see a few other posts from bloggers about Tiny Tickers this week as they are trying to promote their Heart Week campaign and help raise awareness of congenital heart defects.

My happiest moment:
Jessica is currently going through a phase of wanting to give me lots of cuddles and kisses. She likes to give very long kisses whilst staring at me and then of course I give her funny looks back which makes her laugh. Sophie has just started giving big squeezy cuddles too and my happiest moments this week have been all those little moments of spontaneous affection

Next week I would like to:

Stay calm and cope with being on my own as hubby is working on an event and so will be away for part of the week.
The Reading Residence

What Katy Said

32 thoughts on “The Friday Focus – 30/01/15

  1. Goodness, not nice to be involved in an accident like that at the best of times, but under the circumstances i can totally understand why you would feel anxious. I’m glad that otherwise though everything is OK generally and good luck next week x

    1. Thanks Iona – a trip to the chiropractor has helped and so glad we were all unhurt other than being a bit sore afterwards x

  2. I’m so pleased the check up went well…It must be so worrying having the next surgery hanging over you all. So glad you are all ok after the car accident & you managed to get Jessica checked out. I would have done the same!

  3. Oh my goodness, I’m glad no one was hurt! Will keep my prayers and thoughts on Jessica, you and your lovely family. Do hope her continued good health will continue 🙂 #wotw.

  4. I’m glad you’ve had lovely moments and outings throughout the week to focus on, as both the check up and accident must have been hard. Good that all was OK, of course, and I do hope you remain calm next week! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. Thank you – it was mostly positive but of course the check-up and accident happening at the end of the week made it feel less so although am thankful that the check-up went well and all of us were fine after the accident. Lovely to link up to #WotW again x

  5. Oh goodness me how awful. I’m so glad you are all okay and that they managed to check little Jessica out for you! That’s great news that Jessica’s appointment went well. Aaaàh what a lovely hat you’ve made there Jessica, well done sweetheart!xx

    1. Thank you – very relieved we were all fine. I love her hat too – she was so pleased with it 🙂

  6. I’m so glad you are all OK after your car accident, they can always be a shock can’t they. Glad to hear Jessica’s check up went well too 🙂

  7. Glad you’re all ok after that accident, and that the chiropractor helps. Seems quite an emotional week too, hope next week goes calmly x #wotw

  8. Oh my goodness! I am so glad that no one was seriously hurt in your accident! It must have been very frightening for Jessica and Sophie.

    It’s great that Jessica got the all clear in her check-up. Fingers crossed that she can wait until next spring for her op. Vx

  9. I’m so glad everything was ok after the accident. No matter how small it may be they are always scary especially when you have kids! I love Jessica’s hat! She did a great job!

  10. I love Jessica’s hat – she’s all ready for Royal Ascot! Sophie’s so cute on the slide. What a scary experience coming back from the cardiac appointment though. So glad everything’s okay. Fingers crossed that you can wait for the spring surgical date.

  11. Gosh, it must have been scary for the girls being in the car, but I’m so glad no one was seriously hurt. I hope your whiplash doesn’t trouble you for too long. It’s good that Jessica’s check-up went well; it must be very hard for you but she looks so brave in the picture. Fab hat! Hope next week goes well without hubby around. Jess x

    1. Thanks Jess – seeing the chiropractor has helped a lot, feeling much more comfortable now 🙂

  12. Oh my gosh, so glad you are all okay, I imagine the accident was very scary especially with the girls in the car. Really glad the check up went well too x

    1. Thank you – it was quite scary but it could have been so much worse, so thankful none of us were hurt.

  13. Oh gosh, a very mixed week indeed. I’m glad none of you were seriously hurt in the car accident. Must have been scary though.

    Got my fingers crossed for Spring surgery for Jessica.

    I’m sure you’ll cope just fine on your own with the girls. You got this, mama!


    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. Thanks Jenna – it’s been a bit of a testing week with Jessica being poorly but am managing better than I thought I might! 🙂

    1. Thank you – it is tiring looking after two on your own isn’t it? So glad that hubby is now home again! 🙂

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