My darling, you’re growing too fast

Surely ’twas just yesterday you had your preschool first day,
How did the others pass so swiftly away?
If only I could just keep you this way.
My darling, you’re growing too fast.


What happened to that baby, so sweet and so small?
The tiny little person just learning to crawl?
The inquisitive toddler I so clearly recall?
My darling, you’re growing too fast.


All these days spent together when you were all mine
Playing, exploring in the rain and sunshine
If only there was a way I could slow time!
My darling, you’re growing too fast.


The long nights I spent trying to rock you to sleep,
A million and one moments I wished I could capture and keep,
Now you’re about to start school and the thought makes me weep.
My darling, you’re growing too fast.


Just a few weeks to go before a new chapter will start
Making memories together to keep in my heart
How I’ll miss you for those hours that we’ll spend apart
My darling, you’re growing too fast.


I wish I could press pause and just stop for a while,
I wish I could bottle your laugh and your smile,
For you the next step’s an adventure, for me it’s a trial.
My darling, you’re growing too fast.

© Louise George – 10 July 2016

Photos of Jessica from babyhood through to toddler and preschool days with the text "My darling, you're growing too fast"

Prose for Thought

23 thoughts on “My darling, you’re growing too fast

    1. Thank you Sarah – I’m sure she will love it and I’ll get used to it but no doubt I will be in bits on her first day!

  1. Aww this is so sweet! It really does so quickly, I’m trying to hold onto Mini so that she doesn’t grow! Lucy xx #triballove

  2. A lovely poem and sentiments I suspect nearly all parents can relate to. I’m feeling the same, although we’ve still got a while longer before school than I think you have, but it’s made me more resolute to make the most of it. Continue to cherish those moments! #twinklytuesday

    1. Thanks Dan – definitely will be making the most of those moments before Jessica starts school and hope you enjoy the next year before you have to prepare for it with Tilly.

  3. Such a lovely post, and I feel the same – my little girl starts school in September and I don’t know where the last four years have gone. I adore her pink glasses in the last photo, they really suit her and I’ve just ordered my little one a really similar pair.

    1. Thank you – it’s crazy how quickly those preschool days have gone by. Hope all goes well with your little girl starting school 🙂

  4. Great poem and really well structured, This was exactly how I felt when my youngest went to school. I was devastated and really didn’t know how I was going to ‘be’ with the changes! After school time and holidays are now mega important to me and I often look forward to seeing them after school (until they start squabbling!) I ended up buying myself a new handbag ‘present’ when my youngest went to school – really just to say ‘I did it’ and to commiserate myself a bit!!! #prose4t

    1. Thank you – I am sure we will be making the most of the after school time and holidays (but yes I am also sure there will be squabbling too – we often had that when Jessica first got home from preschool!) I like the idea of buying myself a handbag as a consolation present! 🙂

  5. This is gorgeous, Louise and I can really empathise as my eldest is moving from first school to middle school and my youngest will start the school nursery in september! The days go so fast!

  6. The blog post beautifully captures the fleeting nature of childhood and the joy of witnessing a child’s growth and development. It’s a poignant reminder to cherish every moment and celebrate the milestones, both big and small. Time flies by quickly, and it’s essential to savor the precious moments spent with our children as they grow up before our eyes.

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