I’ve been flying solo this week as hubby has been away working on an event all week. On the whole, it’s not been too bad though apart from having one night with Jessica being sick all over my bed which of course coincided with Sophie waking up and crying for Mummy – that was quite a fun juggling act all round! Thankfully it seemed to be just a one-off and Jessica is back to her usual happy self now – fingers crossed it was an isolated moment and that no-one else comes down with a sick bug.
Out and About:
We’ve been out and about quite a lot over the last week. Hubby and I took the girls to see our local panto last weekend and both of them enjoyed their first panto very much (hubby and I less so admittedly as the performance wasn’t particularly good but at least the girls seemed to like it!)
We had another hospital trip as Jessica had her eye check-up – she struggled a bit with identifying some of the pictures but it was hard to tell whether it was just due to her being quite distracted and so we have another check-up booked for three months’ time.
We were very excited to finally get some snow on Tuesday (or more accurately, Mummy was very excited – much more so than the girls!) It was lovely to see the girls playing out in the garden in it before we headed off to toddler group. I had a somewhat frustrating moment though as I had put my jar of Love Hearts in my bag to take to toddler group as a fundraiser for Tiny Tickers and accidentally dropped my bag as I was leaving the house resulting in a bag full of broken glass and Love Hearts. Thankfully Heart Week hasn’t yet started so there’s still time to do another jar for next week’s toddler group!
Fun at home:
We’ve enjoyed snuggles on the sofa whilst watching CBeebies, having picnics on the floor with the toys and Jessica has been doing lots of Mister Maker-inspired ‘making’. We’ve made frog masks out of paper plates, pictures of buses and a car steering wheel picture using a paper plate. I’ve noticed that this is an area that Jessica has become much more focused on since starting preschool and it is lovely to encourage her creativity.
Time for me:
Hubby and I went out for a meal at a local carvery with some of the other church elders last Friday night while Grandma babysat. I also managed to have a little bit of time at our church craft group this week to do a bit of rag-rugging while the girls played with toys on the floor. We have a 100 years exhibition coming up and I’ve been asked to demonstrate rag rug techniques as part of that. It’s been over four years since I last did any rug making but thankfully it all came back fairly quickly!
As February is National Heart Month, I’ve been focusing on posts to help raise awareness of congenital heart defects, sharing facts and figures and some stories from other heart families. I’m really pleased that a few other heart parent bloggers have been willing to share their stories and am looking forward to featuring their guest posts over the coming weeks. Next week is CHD Awareness Week and I’ll be posting each day about various aspects of CHD alongside some of my other usual parenting posts.
My happiest moment:
Watching Sophie experience snow for the first time.
Next week I would like to:
Clear away the clutter in the spare room in readiness for my sister and nieces hopefully coming to stay in half-term.
That rag rug looks fab – good luck with the demo too #wotw
Thank you 🙂
It sounds like you’ve ha’d a great week despite the odd hiccup, and the rag rug does look good 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Sounds like you managed flying solo so very well and that you have had a lovely week too!xx
Thank you 🙂
It sounds like things went well with you doing the solo parenting!!
hahaha! I got more excited about the snow than my girls too….Sounds like you had a good week! Lovely photos!
Thanks Kim 🙂
Sounds like you’ve had a good one, though the sick everywhere without another pair of hands would have stressed me out! That rug looks brilliant, I hope your demo goes well. Thanks for sharing with #WotW and good luck with the declutter x
Thanks Jocelyn – lovely to link up again 🙂
You’ve been busy! Flying solo is not easy when the little ones get sick. Those 1 day bugs are so odd, aren’t they? I am like you with the snow. The kids are not too bothered but I am desperate for a snow day / day out faffing in the snow with them and warming up with hot chocolate afterwards!
Thanks Mel – I love the snow and warming up with hot chocolate afterwards is lovely 🙂
Sounds like a busy week, and with you flying solo too! (I do worry about coping with two it we do go down that round! How will I go anywhere while the hubby is at work!!!)
I hope you manage to get the spare room decluttered! We had to do the same as ours had become a bit of a dumping ground and we need it clear for when the boys came!!
I love the snow picture, so cute =D
Thanks Jenni – it’s amazing how you just learn to juggle because you have to, am sure you will cope if you decide to have a second child but it is very challenging at times too!
I want to snow exactly for this seeing my son see snow for the first time. But we dont have snow yet so its still winter and a mother can dream =) #wotw
Aw hope you get some snow soon 🙂
So glad this week went OK for you, apart form the sick moment. I had to deal with the children on my own for Saturday only and it did me in lol x
Thanks Jane – it’s hard work juggling two isn’t it? x
Sounds like you have had a good week minus the sick.
Glad you enjoyed the snow and i love the mister maker crafts!
The ragrug looks fab too! Hope you have another good week.
Thank you – it was a good week on the whole 🙂
Baby experienced snow for the first time too this week, lovely isn’t it. Your rag rug looks fab! x
Thanks Aby 🙂
Sounds like a fun packed week! The rug is looking fab!! You are very talented 🙂
Thank you – glad you like the rug, they’re not particularly complicated to make but are a great way of using up scrap material.
Aw man! Those photos of them in their blue snow suits is just too gorgeous!
Thank you 🙂
Sounds like you’ve done incredibly well flying solo. Love the pic of the girls in the snow 🙂 x
Thank you Jess 🙂
Aww, Jessica’s creations are all lovely and she looks so proud of them too. Have a great week!
Thank you – you too 🙂
Oh I used to love rag rugging! Yours looks lovely. I really like the pink next to the blue & white stripe.
Oh and Jessica’s steering wheel picture is wonderful!
Have a lovely week. Vx
Thank you – hope you have a lovely week too 🙂
Love the photo of your girls in the snow!
Rag rug making looks awesome, is it hard to do?!
I think it’s great that you are sharing experiences from other heart families, I am sure they will bring comfort to many others. 🙂
Thanks for joining our #HappyDaysLinky
Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx
Thanks Jenna – rag rug making is actually quite easy, particularly the one I’m doing at the moment – once you get the hang of the basic knot it’s quite straightforward. Lovely to link up again 🙂
You are so talented! How cool to be able to make a rug!!
So many children have experienced snow for the first time this year, we were promised snow last year but it never came did it?
Well done on flying solo, I hate when Mr f is away!
Have a good week #HappyDaysLinky xx
Thank you Katy, lovely to link up again 🙂