This week has been all about raising awareness of CHDs for heart week and nearly all of my blog posts this week have been focused on this. It’s also a week where I’ve been a little more anxious over Jessica as she has seemed very out-of-sorts and tired this week. Chances are that it is just due to her completing her first half-term at preschool and it has all caught up with her but fatigue is also a possible sign that her heart is struggling to cope with her current circulation. Whilst I knew that her tiredness could just be down to preschool, I wasn’t sure where the line between ‘normal’ and ‘sinister’ was but a quick call to the cardiac liaison nurses helped reassure me. At the moment, Jessica doesn’t seem to be any more blue than normal and she isn’t more breathless than normal which are other signs that her heart might be struggling. Hopefully the rest over half term will help her regain some of her energy levels but it’s definitely something I’ll be keeping a very close eye on.
Out and About:
We enjoyed an afternoon in Fassnidge Park last weekend and whilst Sophie slept for the whole time, Jessica enjoyed wandering about, collecting leaves and having fun in the playground.
We had a little milestone with Sophie this week at toddler group when she worked out that she needs to climb up one side of the Little Tikes Activity Gym and then go down the slide (rather than try to climb up the slide which is what she usually does). She then spent ages climbing up and sliding down and had a wonderful time doing so.
Fun at home:
We’ve had the toy cars and train track out most of this week and have had a wonderful time sitting on the floor playing with them. However, both Jessica and Sophie have had a lot more fun with the box that these are usually stored in – Jessica has filled it with cushions and likes to sit or lie in it with a book whereas Sophie just uses it as a means to try and climb on to the table!
We tried doing some wax-resist painting with Jessica although it didn’t work very well. She did enjoy using a toilet roll tube to stamp some hearts though.
Time for me:
Most of my ‘me-time’ has been spent focusing on Heart Week posts but I did get to enjoy a nice long soak in a bubble bath the other night which was rather blissful. I was also very pleased with my lovely stationery parcel from The Reading Residence which I received as part of this month’s stationery swap and have already used some of it to write a couple of letters.
I’ve been sharing a couple of guest posts from Northumberland Mam and The Hearty Life about their children’s heart stories and will be sharing the final guest post for heart week tomorrow.
My most popular post this week has been ‘To us on the day we became heart parents’ sharing what I would tell myself if I could go back.
Thank you to everyone who has been sharing my posts this week and helping to raise awareness.
My happiest moment:
Sophie being very cute and giving me spontaneous kisses then running across the room and running back again to give me another kiss. Just adorable.
Next week I would like to:
Well I still need to clear away that clutter before my sister and nieces arrive on Sunday so I’d better get on with it!
I think everyone is in need of a break now, but I can absolutely understand your worries. Hopefully the rest will do everyone good. And well done to Sophie for her climbing and sliding-I remember my two working that one out and it’s lovely isn’t it 🙂
Thanks Iona – she seems less tired after a quiet day yesterday so fingers crossed 🙂
Hi Louise, I’ve just discovered your lovely blog. What beautiful little girls you have! I hope that the half term break is really restful for you all and especially Jessica. God bless you guys! x
Thank you – hope you have a lovely week too 🙂
Fantastic word! Very similar to mine….hehhehe Thank you for the mention! You’re mentioned in mine too.
Have a great half term….The rest will be nice x
Thank you Kim – hope you have a great half-term too and thank you for the mention 🙂
Sounds like the perfect word for you week. I do hope the week off will do Jessica some good and she’ll get some rest. Well done to Sophie on that slide! And how cute that she’s giving kisses! Glad you liked your parcel, too. I loved mine and have already used some of it 🙂 Thanks for sharing with #WotW x
Thank you – Jessica already seems less tired after a quiet day yesterday. So glad you liked your parcel 🙂
I’ve loved your posts & always think of you and her when I’ve been seeing posts about tiny tickers this week!
I hope you all have a nice rest over half term & we’ll done for raising so much awareness xxx
Thanks Beth – hope you have a lovely half-term too 🙂
School is really tiring and I am so glad too that its half term so that the kids can get the rest that their body and mind need. And hats off to you for doing all this amazing post to raise awareness about heart disease esp on kids. #wotw
Thanks Merlinda, hope you have a lovely half-term 🙂
Looks like you’ve had a good week, despite heart worries. I hope Jessica has a chance to rest and recover over half term. x
Thanks Karen – having a quiet day yesterday has already helped 🙂
It sounds like you had a nice week apart from the worry. I hope the half term rest sorts everything out for you x
Thank you – having a quiet day yesterday has helped so far 🙂
Aww well done Sophie! I hope you have a restful half term and Jessica feels better for it.
Lovely photos, they always look so happy =) That park looks like lots of fun!!
Thanks Jenni – it was a lot of fun! 🙂
I’ve been reading all your heart posts Louise, such moving stories. I really hope the half-term rest sees Jessica refreshed 🙂 What a fab little achievement for Sophie, and I love her outfit! Hope you have a good week xx
Thank you Jess, hope you have a good week too 🙂
I’m not surprised this is your word this week – I’ve enjoyed reading the stories you’ve shared on your blog, so many brave families and you’ve done a fab job highlighting and raising awareness of Heart week #wotw
Thank you Stephanie 🙂
Well done you for all your efforts in supporting and raising awareness. You do a fantastic job. Such cute pictures of your girls. I love Sophie’s dungarees! x
Thanks Aby. I love those dungarees too! 🙂
What a lovely week and I really like to see all your photos! Hope you enjoyed your lovely long bath too xx
Thank you Sarah 🙂
Well done woth raising so much awareness this week. I hope half term see’s jessica gets a good rest.
What a cute and lovely achievement for Sophie!
Lovely pictures too x
Thank you Sammy 🙂
I hope you all have a lovely restful week. I’ve been following your posts over on Instagram this week and it’s incredible to see how far Jessica has come. It must be an ongoing worry, but fingers crossed she’s just tired herself out with all this activity! X
Thank you Sophie – she seems less tired so far this week so fingers crossed x
Like Beth I’ve thought of you and Jessica whenever I’ve read a mention of Tiny Tickers. I have read a lot of Tiny Tickers posts this week, both yours and on other blogs and I am in awe of the courage and strength that not only the children themselves have but their parents, siblings and extended family too. I think what really brought it all home for me was your photo on Instagram of Jessica’s hands showing how blue her skin can get. I hope that Jessica is feeling rested now that it’s half term and that you can worry a little less, although I know you’ll never stop worrying completely.
Well done to Sophie too for figuring out the slide. It’s so much more fun climbing up the slide part though. 😉
Thank you Vickie – Jessica definitely seems more rested for the half-term break which is great 🙂
You are one busy lady, Louise. I have been wondering, is Congenital Heart Disease ever confused with Coronary Heart Disease (as they both have the same abbreviation). I always have to think twice about which is being referred to, as they’re obviously both ailments of the myocardium. There isn’t another way to say ‘congenital heart disease’, but so many ways to refer to ‘coronary heart disease’, for example ‘coronary artery disease’, ‘heart disease’.
Anyhoo, I seem to have digressed off your original topic (sorry hon). I hope you guys are having a restful half term and are kicking back. xx
Google does get confused if I use CHD as a search term and I can see why there is that confusion. We are having a lovely half-term, thank you, and Jessica seems much better for the rest 🙂
A great week, love when little ones work out something new. i love being at home being able to see them grow. Wax resist painting sounds interesting- off to google that now!
Thanks Katy – it is lovely to see them learning new things 🙂
I think you’ve done an incredibly job to raise awareness about CHD. Good on you, Louise. 🙂
As always, adore the photos of your girls – they look very happy indeed.
Ohh a stationary swap, that sounds right up my street – how can I get involved?!
Thanks for joining our #HappyDaysLinky
Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx
Thanks Jenna – the stationery swap is being organised by Jocelyn at The Reading Residence if you want to get involved 🙂