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Jessica looking at some geese on a pond

Share your story: my journey of faith

My journey of faith first started in my early twenties. From that quiet moment when something clicked through to facing a big challenge, my faith and trust in God has…

My ten favourite books

What books would be in your top ten? I have to admit that deciding on my ten favourite books is not an easy task. I love so many different books. …

Baby Sophie sitting in her Bumbo with Jessica giving her a kiss

Reflecting on the blessings of motherhood

Sitting in the semi-darkness, listening to the soft breathing of my two little girls. One asleep in the cot at the end of my bed; the other sleeping between me…

An open Bible with Philippian 4:13 highlighted

Strength for today

I’m doing 40acts for Lent this year and today’s act encouraged us to share our favourite Bible verse with the reasons why. One of my favourite verses is the following:…