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Children’s Heart Week Day 5: Feeding

Feeding is something that can be a big cause of concern for parents of children with CHD. They often require more calories than heart-healthy children but can get quite tired…

Jessica at a few weeks old asleep in a cot at John Radcliffe hospital

Children’s Heart Week Day 4: Hospitals

We’ve spent quite a lot of time in hospital over the last three years. Jessica has been under the care of six different hospitals since she was born for various…

Jessica on PICU after her Glenn procedure

Children’s Heart Week Day 3: Jessica’s HLHS journey so far

Like many other children with CHD, Jessica has needed several operations. Her heart can never be fixed – surgery can only help improve her heart function. The usual surgical pathway…

Jessica at the 20 week scan

Children’s Heart Week Day 2: The 20 week scan

It’s three years today since we were told that Jessica was unlikely to be suitable for surgery and that she would be offered comfort care after she was born. However,…

Jessica in intensive care after her Norwood procedure

Children’s Heart Week Day 1: Some facts about CHD

This week (12-18 May) is Children’s Heart Week. I have two beautiful daughters, one of whom has a severe and complex congenital heart defect (CHD) called hypoplastic left heart syndrome…

A Duplo cake and a birthday card for Mummy

Silent Sunday 11/05/14

Sophie and Jessica sitting on the sofa together

Siblings – May 2014

I love watching my girls together. They are (mostly) very loving towards each other. Jessica’s first reaction on seeing her sister in the morning is usually “Baby Sophie! Hold hands,…

Sophie asleep in her cot

It was inevitable

It was inevitable that the week leading up to my birthday would see hubby even more sleep-deprived than me due to working into the early hours on events followed by…

Mini Creations – Animals

Jessica loves painting. As Sophie was still snoozing when Jessica woke from her nap, it seemed an ideal opportunity for some mummy-toddler time and so out came the paints and…

Sophie sitting in the Bumbo and playing her toy piano

Silent Sunday 04/05/14