I love watching my girls together. They are (mostly) very loving towards each other. Jessica’s first reaction on seeing her sister in the morning is usually “Baby Sophie! Hold hands, baby! Baby kiss!” and Sophie just gives her the biggest gummiest smile. I am sure that Sophie reserves her biggest smiles for her big sister. Jessica is certainly by far the best at making Sophie laugh.
Now that Sophie is getting more mobile though, Jessica is beginning to realise that her toys are no longer quite so safe! Up until now, Jessica would happily hand Sophie a toy that she didn’t mind sharing and let her play with it. Now Sophie can roll across the floor and make a beeline for whatever toy looks most interesting. The trouble is, Jessica doesn’t always want her to play with it! Learning to share is going to be our challenge in the coming weeks, I think!
Ah yes – baby sisters are really cute while they stay still – it’s a whole new learning curve when they start to be mobile!!