Three leaves on a piece of paper with a rainbow print of each leaf above it

10 fun nature crafts and activities for kids

We enjoy taking part in #30DaysWild, a challenge run by The Wildlife Trusts encouraging people to do one ‘random act of wildness’ each day in June. My children love doing…

Four Easter egg decorations made from craft foam

Crafting with kids – Easter egg decorations

These small hanging Easter egg decorations are perfect for decorating Easter trees and are simple to make. We made them in four different designs and you can find our template…

Two yellow clothes-peg planes

Crafting with kids – clothes-peg planes

I love it when a home-learning topic provides inspiration for a craft activity. Sophie has recently been learning about Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic…

A rainforest in a shoebox with pipe cleaner animals

Crafting with kids: A rainforest in a shoebox

Sophie has been learning about Brazil and the Amazon rainforest over the last few weeks. Her project this half-term was to make a rainforest in a shoebox. She enjoyed having…

A model of a 1666 house made from cardboard boxes and craft sticks

Home learning: Making a ‘Great Fire of London’ house

Sophie has been learning about the Great Fire of London in school recently. Her half-term project was to make a 1666 house to take to school for them to recreate…

A teddy bears' picnic scene in an egg box

Creating a teddy bears’ picnic in an egg box

Egg boxes are brilliant for creating small world play scenes and helping keep them contained. We had fun recently creating a small-world teddy bears’ picnic in an egg box using…

Sophie's shoebox theatre with cartoon figures of me holding Thomas, hubby, Jessica and Sophie stuck to wooden skewers

How to make a shoebox theatre

One of Sophie’s Christmas presents from us last year was her ‘Special Time with Sophie’ box – containing twelve envelopes of activities that I had planned to do for each…

Sophie's paper doll family depicting Mummy, Daddy, Jessica, Sophie and Thomas

Home learning: creating a family tree

Last week’s theme for our home-learning was ‘Family and Friends’ and one of the activities for this was to make a family tree picture. I remember having to do family…

(left) Sophie with her ocean in an egg box; (right) two peg doll mermaids

Crafting with kids: making an ocean in an eggbox with peg doll mermaids

Last week’s home learning theme was ‘the seaside’ which gave us lots of inspiration for crafts to go alongside the school-work. We revisited a couple of ‘under the sea’ crafts…

A leaf necklace, grass-heart wand and a leaf crown on a garden table

#30DaysWild – Making nature fashion accessories

We’ve come to the end of #30DaysWild for another year. Our wild activities have been quite low-key this year due to being mostly restricted to the garden but we have…