
The Friday Focus – 29/04/16

I’ve been flying solo this week as hubby has been spending the week in a castle in Rome.  Admittedly he’s been busy working on an event but I’ve been ever-so-slightly…

The Friday Focus – 22/04/16

I feel as though I am on the cusp of change this week – with two significant decisions being made that both have an impact on where the future is…

The word "outdoors" with the first 'o' being a sun and the second one being a tree

The Friday Focus 15/04/16 – Enjoying getting outdoors

The weather has been just gorgeous this week and we’ve been making the most of it by getting outdoors as much as possible.  Picnics in the garden at lunchtime, the…

The Friday Focus – 08/04/16

The girls have enjoyed spending time with their cousins on both sides of the family this week.  Hubby’s cousin and her twin girls were visiting from Luxembourg and the four…

Reminder - this week's word of the week - The Friday Focus 01/04/16 - Little Hearts, Big Love

The Friday Focus 01/04/16 – A reminder of the journey to come

Yesterday was Jessica’s cardiac check-up.  I’d felt more anxious in the run-up to this appointment than I had for a check-up in a while.  Partly because of our old consultant…

End - this week's word of the week

The Friday Focus 25/03/16 – The end of an era

Yesterday marked the end of an era for my girls  – our last Tiny Talk toddler signing class.  For more than four years, these classes have been a part of…

The Friday Focus – 18/03/16

We’ve been having so much fun over the last week with various days out, blog events, time with friends, time spent doing crafts and going out and about, making the…

The Friday Focus – 11/03/16

With Mother’s Day being last Sunday, followed by my mum’s birthday on Wednesday, this week’s word has to be mum.  I had a lovely Mother’s Day with my girlies and…

The Friday Focus – 04/03/16

We’ve spent half of this week in hospital due to Jessica having low oxygen sats and a chest infection. Her sats had been on the low side for the past…

The Friday Focus – 26/02/16

It’s been quite a mixed week on the whole. Hubby has been away for half of it, and my big sister has come to stay for the other half of…