The Friday Focus 25/03/16 – The end of an era

Yesterday marked the end of an era for my girls  – our last Tiny Talk toddler signing class.  For more than four years, these classes have been a part of our regular routine. The girls have both loved joining in each week and with our lovely teacher going on maternity leave, the classes have come to an end.

The end of an era - The Friday Focus 25/03/16 - Little Hearts, Big Love

What I didn’t realise until the beginning of the week was that our last class was actually last week as the final class clashed with Jessica’s preschool Easter concert.  And whilst we did pop in to say goodbye to our lovely Tiny Talk teacher after her class later that morning, we missed saying our goodbyes to everyone in the toddler class which was a shame.


Saying goodbye to our lovely Tiny Talk teacher - The Friday Focus 25/03/16 - Little Hearts, Big Love

Things I have loved this week:

Tots 100 Awards



A day out at Milestones museum - The Friday Focus 25/03/16 - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • Colouring my hair and getting rid of the (very few, of course!) grey hairs.
  • Changing my profile picture on my blog and social media.
  • Decorating Easter hats with my girls.


Decorating Easter hats - The Friday Focus 25/03/16 - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • Watching Jessica perform in her preschool Easter concert.
  • Catching up with some of hubby’s cousins who were visiting.


The Reading Residence

What Katy Said


32 thoughts on “The Friday Focus 25/03/16 – The end of an era

  1. I bet it felt like the end of an era with the class ending! Lovely photo of the girls with the teacher 🙂 I loved your new hair shot. Great to get glam now and then! Hope you have a lovely Easter Hun and well done on the nominations xx #wotw

    1. It certainly did – Thursday mornings aren’t going to be the same! Hope you have a lovely Easter too xx

  2. It’s always sad when something ends, but there is so much more to look forward to, so many new friends to make.

    1. Very true – we’ll be meeting up with friends from that class regularly anyway so that will be something to look forward to 🙂

  3. Oh wow four years… That is a big deal! We will finish our Wednesday group in a few months. I took Charlie as a baby so for 7 years on and off we’ve been there. It’s a big deal isn’t it!
    Congrats on the nominations too – very well deserved x #wotw

    1. Wow 7 years on and off is quite amazing too! I am sure it will be a little sad for you when you finish your Wednesday class as well.

    1. Thanks Kim – there are definitely lots of lovely memories and we’re planning on meeting up with friends from that class over the spring and summer which will be nice 🙂

  4. Hi Louise, it’s shame that the girls missed out on saying goodbye to their classmates, but at least they said a quick goodbye to their teacher. One good thing about chapters closing in our lives is that inevitable another one will open and I hope it’s a great one.

    I could have a whole load of grey hairs under my colour, but as I’ve never met them I can deny them! You are making me feel bad now; for the past couple of weeks I’ve been meaning to get round to changing my profile picture on my blog and social media. I’ve chosen it, I’ve just not got there yet!


    1. Thanks Debbie – I’m glad that we at least got to say goodbye, and as you say, the closing of one chapter means the opening of another one. We’ve made friends through that class that we’ll be meeting up with over the coming weeks which will be lovely. Love your comment about how your colour means you can deny any grey hairs as you’ve not met them – that’s a good way of looking at it! 🙂

  5. Four years is a long time, must feel strange to not be going again and a shame to miss the last one, though I’m sure the concert was worth it. Your hair looks lovely, always a nice feeling to have a fresh colour. Congrats on the nominations, too 🙂 Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. Thanks Jocelyn – it was a shame to miss the last class but the concert was definitely worth missing it for!

  6. I had to miss JJ’s Easter Church Service this year because of work 🙁 Is the Milestones museum in Basingstoke? I feel like I’ve heard of that… It’s funny when routines suddenly change isn’t it? We get so used to them going to certain classes or activities and when they end it seems a bit odd and a bit sad – til the next thing comes along! Xx #wotw

    1. It is the Milestones museum in Basingstoke – my sister recommended it to us and we thought we’d see what it was like. I think change of any kind can be unsettling until we find our feet again x

    1. It was a lovely week and I was so glad that we at least got to say goodbye to our Tiny Talk teacher, even if we couldn’t make it to the last class.

  7. Lovely photo of the girls with their teacher, how lovely that you did it for four years. Easter is becoming one of favourite times of the year as the girls get older, lots of fun crafty things to do, baking to do and events at preschool. Plus we sometimes have sunny days. Sounds like a lovely week x

    1. Thank you Laura – Easter is a fun time of the year isn’t it – there always seems to be plenty of things to do with the kids 🙂

    1. Thank you Jenni – it does feel like a big change – I think it will hit me more once the Easter holidays are over though as we normally take a break then – it will be strange not to restart the classes again!

  8. Gosh well done you for keeping up with it for so long, I bet they felt like family! I really need to dye my hair but wont be able to do it for aaaages now! Thank you for joining in #HappyDaysLinky x

  9. I love the look of concentration on her face making the easter bonnet. I’m impressed that you’ve done tiny talk for so long. I did signing with my eldest but was a bit slack with Jude. Thanks for linking up to #HappyDaysLinky x

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