The Friday Focus – 11/03/16

With Mother’s Day being last Sunday, followed by my mum’s birthday on Wednesday, this week’s word has to be mum.  I had a lovely Mother’s Day with my girlies and enjoyed the lovely flowers, “mummy mug” and handmade cards that they gave me.  This year, both my girls helped to hand out the daffodils at church – although Sophie got distracted as soon as she spotted me and the daffodils were abandoned in favour of cuddles instead!

"Mum" - this week's word of the week - The Friday Focus 11/03/16 - Little Hearts, Big Love

My mum has enjoyed seeing the girls twice over the past week – she was looking after them on Friday while my friend Gillian and I enjoyed a day out in London, and then we surprised her with a visit for her birthday on Wednesday.

The Friday Focus 11/03/16 - Little Hearts, Big Love

In between, both girls have had bouts of being unwell with a tummy bug and so have needed lots of Mummy snuggles to help them feel better.  Thankfully both of them are much better and I’m keeping my fingers very firmly crossed that the germs will keep away from hubby and myself!

Things I have loved this week:

  • The picture of me that Jessica drew on Mother’s Day.

Jessica's Mother's Day picture of Mummy - The Friday Focus 11/03/16 - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • All being well with Jessica’s check-up with the paediatrician on Tuesday.

Waiting for a hospital check-up - The Friday Focus 11/03/16 - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • Nurse Jessica wanting to make her little sister all better when Sophie was feeling poorly.

Nurse Jessica making her little sister feel better - The Friday Focus 11/03/16 - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • Managing to do Dutch braids in Jessica’s hair.

Dutch braids in Jessica's hair - The Friday Focus 11/03/16 - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • Getting my first assignment for my HR course submitted – just keeping fingers crossed now that I’ve covered everything I needed to.
  • Doing some Easter crafts with the girls.

Easter egg potato printing - The Friday Focus 11/03/16 - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • Sophie grabbing my face to give me big kisses and then saying “I luz you, Mummy”

The Reading Residence

What Katy Said

22 thoughts on “The Friday Focus – 11/03/16

  1. It was lovely seeing your photos on Instagram. Love that photo of you and your mum. It’s obvious that you have a close relationship with her 🙂 Glad Jessica’s check-up went well 🙂 #wotw xxx

    1. Thanks Dean – it was lovely to spend the afternoon with my mum and see my family – we are all very close 🙂

  2. Ah, a great word to choose. I do love that picture of you and Jessica’s hair looks brilliant – Boo keeps asking for plaits but I’m terrible at them! That last photo of Sophie there is gorgeous, she looks so grown up all of a sudden! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  3. Hi Louise, I love the diamonds on the picture Jessica drew you, better than any real diamond (well, almost). Mummy snuggles are the best medicine followed closely by an attentive sister acting as nurse. Your gilrs really are the sweetest!

    Hope you and hubby managed to stay germ free!


    1. We’ve managed to avoid it so far, thank you Debbie! I loved the picture Jessica drew – definitely one to save in her artwork folder once it comes down from the wall 🙂

  4. I love the photo Jessica made you for mother’s day – I love the daisy in your hair!
    I hope your girls are feeling better soon and thank goodness for nurse Jessica hee hee!!
    As for your Dutch braids, I never knew they were called that. They look good!

    1. Thanks Tracey – I didn’t know they were called Dutch braids either until someone called them that on my IG feed 🙂

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