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Silent Sunday

Black & White Photography Project #32

Stories from the heart – Adventures from the Heart

Throughout Heart Month, I’ll be sharing various stories from heart families about their experiences. Today’s post is from Lee who, with his wife Freya, blogs over at Adventures from the…

Fassnidge Park

Sunny afternoons in the winter time are definitely not to be wasted and so last Sunday saw us heading out for a walk around Fassnidge Park, a pretty little Edwardian…

Friday Fabulous Five #23

The Friday Fabulous Five is my regular feature where I share five of my favourite posts that I have read in the previous week. However, as this week is CHD…

The Friday Focus – 13/02/15

This week has been all about raising awareness of CHDs for heart week and nearly all of my blog posts this week have been focused on this. It’s also a…

Stories from the heart – The Hearty Life

Throughout Heart Month, I’ll be sharing various stories from heart families about their experiences. Today’s post is from Mary who blogs over at The Hearty Life.  Mary’s third child Poppy…

Siblings – February

We had our first snow of the winter at the beginning of the month which seemed like the ideal opportunity to take some photos for February’s Siblings photo project. The…

To us on the day we became heart parents - Little Hearts, Big Love

To us on the day we became heart parents

I see you sitting there in that scan room. Cold with fear and the terrible realisation that something is wrong, very wrong with your baby’s heart. I see you clinging…

A copy of "Patch the Brave Heart Lion" and the text "Congenital heart defects: books for children"

Congenital heart defects: books for children

One of the challenges that I will face as Jessica gets older is trying to explain her heart condition to her. Having some children’s books about CHD will help us…