Today Sophie is 6 years, 7 months and 8 days old. The exact age that Jessica was on the day she died. Today Sophie is the same age that Jessica…
Darling Jessica Two years. How can it be two whole years since we last gave you a snuggle; since we last looked into your beautiful blue eyes and heard your…
Next Tuesday is the second anniversary of Jessica’s death. Last year, we marked the anniversary by doing things to bring joy to others and encouraging other people to join in…
This half-term is proving to be quite an emotional one. As I dropped Sophie back at school on the first day after the half-term break, I couldn’t help but remember…
Living life without Jessica is the hardest thing I have ever done. Some mornings I wake up, and wonder how on earth I can endure the day ahead. Some days…
18 months. 18 months of having to live without our beautiful big girl. Part of me wonders how it can it be 18 months already, but then sometimes I look…
Darling Jessica, Today is your eighth birthday. Eight sounds so grown up. I wonder what you would have been like now. I could imagine you on your seventh birthday…
I had a conversation with an acquaintance the other day which went something like this: Them: “You look miserable today, what’s the matter?” Me: “Jessica’s dead.” Them: “Oh, is…
“How do I survive this?!” It’s a question I’ve screamed out many times over the past year. In those moments when I am blinded by tears, overwhelmed and broken by…
The one phrase I probably use most often to describe Jessica is ‘joy-carrier’. She truly was a little ray of sunshine – full of big smiles and spreading happiness wherever…