Child loss

Jessica's memorial at GreenAcres, next to a wooden vase filled with daffodils

A tribute to our joy-carrier: the making of Jessica’s memorial

Jessica’s forever bed is in a beautiful woodland burial site. As the surroundings are all very natural, there are quite strict restrictions about memorials and what can be placed at…

Jessica sitting on a tree stump

Grief and life after Jessica: What I want my friends and family to know

Dealing with someone else’s grief is something that many people are uncomfortable with, especially when it comes to child loss. Many people don’t really know what to say, or to…

Jessica wearing a princess dress, fairy wings and a teddy bear ears headband looking at a fairy house in the woods

Living with the fear of losing a child: thoughts from the other side

One of my favourite quotes as a heart parent was this one: “Having a child with a life-threatening condition changes you. It brings out strength in you that you never…

The word survival in front of a word cloud of encouraging phrases and words

Grief and life after Jessica: reflecting on my word for the year

Nearly every week on my blog, I share a post called “The Friday Focus”. It’s a post where I sum up the past week in one word and reflect on…

Sophie cuddling Thomas with Jessica looking on from a photo on her photo blanket

A mum of two plus one

Two plus one equals three. My five-year-old could tell you that. It’s a simple sum, two plus one. But when you’re a mum to “two plus one” somehow that sum…

A drawing of me sitting on the sofa holding Thomas with angel Jessica behind me

Grief and life after Jessica: Stillness in the storm

I sit on the sofa with a sleeping baby in my arms and a cup of tea next to me. For a moment, I think I should put him down.…

Jessica on a rocking black swan

Grief and life after Jessica: Say her name

I shared a post recently on my personal Facebook feed to help family and friends with Christmas cards this year. A reminder that it was okay to include Jessica’s name.…

Me cuddling Thomas at his christening

Complicated emotions: loving my rainbow baby

In the beginning, there was joy. Two excited big sisters. The dream of life as five. My big girl patting my tummy, giving it kisses. Resting her head on my…

Grief and life after Jessica: Six months on

Six months. Six months since the last time I cuddled my big girl; the last time I looked into her beautiful eyes. How can six months have passed by already,…

A photo of Jessica holding a toy while dressed in a cat outfit

Grief and life after Jessica: “New” memories – a precious gift

One of the many things that broke my heart when Jessica died was sorting through and editing photos of her, knowing that there would be no more new ones to…