Siblings – January 2020

I love watching Sophie and Thomas together, seeing the beautiful bond they have with each other, and the way their bond mirrors the one that Jessica and Sophie had. So many little moments that remind me so very much of watching my girls together. Listening to Thomas giggling as Sophie holds her arms out for him; the way he backs as far away from her as possible so he can get a big run-up and then goes running up to her, laughing away, until he reaches her and they cuddle. Oh how I remember seeing my girls doing just that when Sophie was small.


They’re starting to play together more. We got the Toot Toot Drivers cars and track out recently. It was lovely to watch Sophie and Thomas playing together with it. Something they can both enjoy. It’s interesting to see how Thomas doesn’t dismantle the track as quickly as Sophie can put it together – he watches her do it and then plays with it for a while. Neither of his sisters did that at his age – they much preferred taking it apart!


It’s clear that Thomas adores Sophie but there was also a moment over the festive break that made me think that he is aware of who his biggest sister is too. A moment when he put his head down on the photo blanket that’s covered with Jessica’s photos and said “aaah, Jess-sha!” I wondered if it might have been pure coincidence that those sounds were put together but the next day he went back to where the photo blanket was and said it again. Just the way that Sophie would say her sister’s name when she was little. What a beautiful moment. And how very proud Jessica would be of her little brother being able to say her name.


Thomas and Sophie holding and looking at the carving of Jessica on her memorial at her forever bed - "Siblings - January 2020"


This month’s photos were taken when visiting Jessica at her forever bed, showing how her siblings interact with her through talking to and hugging the wooden carving of her on her memorial. It isn’t how I ever would have wanted to capture them together. But it shows that Jessica is loved, and always part of the trio even if she isn’t physically here with them.


Thomas (1 year 5 months)

  • Loved spending Christmas at Coombe Mill, especially going out to see the animals on the feed run each morning. He absolutely adored the sheep and goats.
  • Has learned to climb on the sofa – now he just needs to learn how to get himself back down again!
  • Enjoyed going to a new toddler group and having lots of different toys to play with.
  • Can now say a few words – “mama”, “daddy”, “shoe”, “bye”, “Google” (to our Google Home), “no” – and can now sign 15 words too.


Thomas and Sophie holding and looking at the carving of Jessica on her memorial at her forever bed


Sophie (6 years 2 months)

  • Had lots of fun at Coombe Mill and enjoyed the feed run, helping drive the tractor and playing in the mud kitchen over Christmas.
  • Was very pleased to get her own “time together” box for Christmas with an envelope to open each month. January’s activity was to do some crafting together and she loved making some story puppets to tell the tale of the Three Little Pigs.
  • Loved having a day out in London with Mummy and Daddy to go see The Nutcracker and visit Hamleys.
  • Has been enjoying finding out what each day’s activity is and getting outside each day for The Ladybirds’ Adventures and Thimble and Twig’s Wild about Winter challenge.


Thomas and Sophie holding and looking at the carving of Jessica on her memorial at her forever bed


Jessica (forever 6 years 7 months)

  • I kept seeing little robins appearing nearby while we were away at Coombe Mill. I like to think that they’re Jessica’s way of saying she’s still with us.
  • This time two years ago, Jessica had just come home from hospital after her Fontan procedure. I remember how relieved we were that the surgery was behind us and how full of hope for the future we were. Wish I could go back and relive those moments again.

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