It is just after five in the morning
As you awake to the baby’s loud cries
The hours of sleep you could count on one hand
And it’s so hard just to open your eyes
Seven o’clock in the morning
What little patience you had wearing thin
The children are crying and squabbling over a toy
And you wonder if it’s too early for gin
Quarter to ten in the morning
Off in the car – time to take the kids out
Getting beeped at and cut up, then stuck in a jam
Why are there so many numpties about?
Lunchtime – have the kids actually eaten?
Or just thrown all their food on the floor?
There’s yogurt smeared across the table
And baked beans smeared all over the door
The pre-dinner meltdown has started
Naptime was (im)politely declined
The easy option of nuggets and chips then it is
Thank goodness it’s almost bedtime
The children are tucked up and now fast asleep
‘What sweet little darlings’ you say
And your heart overflows with love watching them there
As the stress of the day melts away
© Louise George – 25th September 2014
Joining in with Verily Victoria Vocalises for Prose for Thought and Post, Comment, Love:
Haha! Utterly brilliant 🙂 it’s funny how us mums can so easily forget even the most horrendous of days the second the cherubs are asleep isn’t it! #prose4t
Thank you – yes, that moment when they are sleeping sweetly and you wonder what on earth you were so cross about! 🙂
Love this – just so true! There’s a sweetness about a sleeping child that makes up for any amount of food-smearage and tantrum throwing. Thankfully! #prose4T
Thank you – sleeping children are just so adorable. They can be adorable in the day too but sometimes it is easy just to get too focused on the food-smearage and tantrums!
Argh, the pre dinner meltdown! I call it the ‘witching hour’. Nightmare.
Oh yes, possibly one of the most stressful times of the day.
Fantastic Poem and so true!
Ah I love bed time =)
Thank you – I love the snuggly moments at bedtime and they do look so adorable when they’re fast asleep 🙂
I love the way you have framed this through the day – the chaos captured so perfectly. God it’s utterly crap at times isn’t it?! Brilliant x
Thank you – yes, parenthood can certainly be challenging at times! 🙂
Aww! That is brilliant and so very true x
Thanks Kim – we all get days like this now and then, don’t we? 🙂
I just commented on this but I lost it so I will try again =)
This is a nice poem. So true about at night when they sleep and we look at our kid’s faces and it gives us sustenance to look forward to another day of being a mom =)
Thank you – amazing how the stress really does melt away when you look at those little sleeping faces 🙂
Just gorgeous… they can just be little horrors all day and as soon as they are asleep you miss them! Lol. All part of being a loving mummy I suppose.
Love this, well done xx
Thank you – yes, you definitely realise how adorable they are once they are fast asleep! 🙂
Such brilliant observation in poetry form. This is oh so very true and fabulously written. Thank you so much for linking to both Prose for Thought and PoCoLo 🙂 x
Thank you – lovely to link up with you again 🙂
So perfectly true and I love the way you put the words to a lovely poem #Prose4T
Thank you 🙂
Nuggets and chips are not the easy option here. There are a lot of ways to burn freezer dinners.
This poem is awesome. Completely sums up a day in the life of a frazzled parent. Bed time is great, isn’t it? x
Lol, yes I have been known to burn nuggets and chips! Glad you liked the poem – and yes, bedtime is awesome! I often look at my sleeping children and wonder why on earth I got so stressed out!
Same here! They’re so innocent and cut ewhen they’re asleep. Hard to believe they’re capable of trashing the house in five seconds flat x
Ah great poem Louise! And all so very, very recognisable! It’s so true that we forgive them everything when they are asleep – they just look like little angels. So true that the days are long but the years are short! Thanks for linking up again hon X #thetruthabout
Thanks Sam – lovely to link up again 🙂
Louise, you’re like a linky genius here!!! The truth in prose, with a bit of #PoCoLo thrown in. To coin Wayne’s World’s phrase, ‘we’re not worthy!’ *Fiona bows down*. Seriously, I wish I could write poems. Long-winded sentences and paragraphs I can do with no problem, but poems or songs, not a chance. And it sums up ‘one of those days’ beautifully. Awesome! xx
Lol, this is possibly my favourite comment ever! Thank you so much – was making the most of the different linkys with this one! Glad you liked my poem 🙂
Ha, brilliant Louise! That’s wonderful to know that that could have been your favourite comment ever… Heck, does this mean it is all downhill from here for me? You certainly did make the most of those linkys (I’m certain we should all be calling them ‘linkies’, but none of us do, do we?). I loved your poem! #thetruthabout xx