Me and Mine – January 2022

We never really make new year’s resolutions in our family but I do often like to start a new challenge or a new tradition in the new year. I guess that is a resolution of sorts but I never think of it that way. This month, we’ve started making sure we have snuggle time in the mornings. Each morning we take some time to snuggle up on the sofa together and read the day’s poem from ‘I Am The Seed That Grew The Tree’. On school mornings, we set a 5-minute timer for snuggle time before the chaos of the morning begins. At the weekends, we can enjoy the snuggles for a while longer!


A selfie of me, my husband (holding a photo of Jessica) with Sophie and Thomas sitting on Sophie's bed


I think what I love most about snuggle time is that it starts the day on such a happy note. We all start the day having had a bit of quality time together and feeling loved. I know that even if I end up being a grumpy mummy later on or feel like I’ve stretched myself too thin once again, at least I started the day right.


The other thing I’ve started this month is the #1000hoursoutside challenge. It’s the second time taking this on, having done it successfully in 2020. I found it such a good way of encouraging us to get outside a bit more. So far we’ve improved on our outdoor hours in January compared to in 2020 so that’s a win. I’ve definitely felt better for getting outside more and it’s been particularly good for Thomas to have that time to run around and burn off some energy.


Hubby, Sophie and Thomas were all unwell towards the end of the month. I felt like I was doing a tour of the local Covid testing centres as we visited three different ones over the course of the week. Thankfully all the tests were negative and everyone seems to have recovered from whatever it was now.


As usual though, I’d left it to the last minute to take our monthly photo. With everyone being unwell though, there wasn’t an opportunity until the very end of the month when I managed to grab a quick family snap as the children were heading off to bed. It’s typical of family life really – grabbing the quality moments where we can in amongst the chaos. I do love how Sophie is cuddling Thomas in one of the photos. They have such a lovely bond with each other, very much like the one she and Jessica shared.


A selfie of me, my husband (holding a photo of Jessica) with Sophie and Thomas sitting on Sophie's bed and cuddling each other

4 thoughts on “Me and Mine – January 2022

    1. Well done to you for doing Veganuary. It’s something I might try at some stage but it would come with having to do separate meals at the moment which is a bit too much work for me.

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