June: another significant month in the heart anniversary calendar for our family. The month in which we were given hope and offered the chance of an in-utero atrial septostomy to give Jessica a chance of being suitable for open-heart surgery after birth. It’s the little things that stand out for me throughout June – little moments that bring back memories of those three days in hospital so sharply. Watching Wimbledon is one of them – I vividly remember watching Andy Murray playing as I waited for the second attempt at the surgery to take place, trying not to think too much about what was about to happen whilst continually praying for the success of it.
I’ve shared the story of our pursuit of a miracle before on my Heart to Heart linky and I will forever be thankful for the team who were willing to take a chance and perform a procedure that none of them had done before to give my little girl a chance of life. With this thankfulness at the forefront of my mind, I am sharing a post I wrote back in February listing the things that I have been thankful for on our heart journey so far as it is just as true today as when I first wrote it. I am also sharing a post from the archives of Jessica’s blog – our update that we sent to family and friends after that in-utero surgery was carried out.
Heart to Heart opens on the 15th of each month and stays open for a week so there is plenty of time to share your CHD-related posts. You can share old posts or new posts, updates on how your heart child is progressing, poems, advice – whatever you like as long as it is related to life as a heart family. If you would like to add the code below to your post that would be great and please do visit other posts in the link too! I’ll also try and share posts on Twitter – and will try and retweet those with the hashtag #hearttoheartlinky
Thank you to everyone who linked up last month. I have added posts previously linked up to Heart to Heart on my Pinterest board as well as sharing other CHD-related posts. If you would like an invite to pin to it, please do let me know.
Follow Little Hearts, Big Love’s board CHD stories – Heart to Heart linky on Pinterest.
Looking forward to reading your heart-related posts this month.