The end of the summer term is a time of transition. Sophie’s time at infant school is drawing to a close. This time next week will be her last day there. I’m feeling quite emotional about my baby girl moving on from this step; acutely aware of all the little last moments of her infant school life and how quickly Sophie is growing up. That awareness of time slipping through my fingers; wanting to hold on to these moments before they end; wishing that we could slow down time.
Sophie’s junior school transition has been mostly online due to Covid restrictions but she’s met her new teacher virtually and we’ve also had a video meeting to meet the teachers too. Her new school isn’t completely unfamiliar thanks to having attended school fayres and discos there and thankfully Sophie’s teacher for Year 3 is a familiar face too as she was Jessica’s reception teacher.
As you can imagine, this transition is quite an emotional one, particularly for us as parents. It’s a transition that Jessica never got to make, a milestone that she won’t get to share with Sophie. Another reminder of how Sophie has moved beyond where Jessica was; that my middle child is now the one that leads the way instead of following in her big sister’s footsteps. And as thankful as I am to get to experience these milestones with Sophie, it also comes with a hefty dose of heartbreak for all that I have missed out on with Jessica and will continue to miss out on. But at least Sophie’s new teacher knows us and was a significant person in Jessica’s life too and even though Jessica never got to attend the school that Sophie is about to start at, the teachers there know about her which makes this transition a little easier.
Another recent transition that has made me a little emotional is Thomas stopping breastfeeding. It’s been a gradual transition (unlike with Sophie) with him asking for “mawk” less and less frequently. For the last month, I’ve been acutely aware that each feed may well be the last and tried to cherish those moments. It’s been over a week now since he last asked for a feed and I’m beginning to accept that this particular era is now over. While I’ve been prepared for it, I’m still a little sad especially as he’s my last baby. I’ve spent six and a half years of my life breastfeeding my children and now that time has come to an end. On the plus side, it means there are several outfits in my wardrobe that I can now wear again!
We’re also on the cusp of another big transition with the last step out of lockdown planned for 19 July. I’m feeling very mixed about it all to be honest. A big part of me is looking forward to normality – particularly with being able to sing and socialise at church again – but I’m also quite anxious about there no longer being any requirement for masks or social distancing. I’m quite conscious that although for many it feels like freedom day, there are a lot of people who will be feeling very vulnerable as a result and are very concerned about how much Covid cases will rise as a result and the impact of this. I think we’ll be doing our best to avoid crowded places and will continue to wear face coverings if we do need to be in them. I hope there won’t be a massive rise in cases and a need to lockdown again over winter as a result but I’m not feeling particularly optimistic on that front.
What I’ve been grateful for this week:
- Day 183 – I am grateful that, despite my mostly unsuccessful attempts so far to grow a cut flower patch in the garden this year, I have managed to grow enough for Jessica’s vase, and that there are enough roses blooming to share some with her otherwise.
- Day 184 – I am grateful that Sophie had such a fun time at her friend’s trampoline party (and for the 4-0 England win this evening!)
- Day 185 – I am grateful for a lovely afternoon making new friends and enjoying a barbecue in the garden.
- Day 186 – I am grateful that the event shelter is now up in the garden so I can sit in the shade and watch Thomas while he plays outside.
- Day 187 – I am grateful for little luxuries.
- Day 188 – I am grateful that England are in the final!
- Day 189 – I am grateful that Sophie’s new teacher in junior school is the same lovely teacher who taught Jessica in reception. It will make the transition to a new school so much easier knowing that her teacher is someone who knows Sophie and our family already, knew and cared about Jessica, and is aware of all the emotions that will be there at the start of this next step, especially with what would have been Jessica’s 10th birthday falling at the start of the school year too.
Other things that have made me smile this week:
- Sophie reading ‘There’s No Deer Around Here’ to Thomas. We were sent a copy for a review and there’s a giveaway up on the blog at the moment if you’d like to be in with a chance of winning your own copy of it.
- Meeting up with friends for a coffee while Sophie was at her dance classes.
Transitions are always bitter sweet. I always try to focus on the fact that there is so much more to come from parenting. I know it must be so difficult for you not having to go through all of this with Jessica. Thomas is really growing up now. I have mixed feeling about the easing of restrictions too. particularly as it’s a week before we go on holiday. We have already decided that we are keeping to ourselves and staying outside as much as possible, fingers crossed for nice weather.
They are bittersweet and I’ve always tried to make the most of the moments knowing that they pass all too soon. I hope that all goes well with your holiday and you have nice weather.
Transition is a good thing. Well, sometimes. All the emotions that come with them too, make it difficult to decide if this new transition is a good or a bad thing.
I hope the little ones will enjoy their summer break and are looking forward to the next milestone. Good luck getting reacquainted with your outfits too.
We have decided that although our church is planning to reopen once the risk assessments are approved, we won’t go back just yet. In fact, we have just 5 minutes ago decided that most of our summer will be spent inside our home except for walks. We have gym sessions booked but even that we are now reconsidering.
Wishing you a sunny and lovely week ahead for you and yours.
I can understand not feeling ready to go back yet. Our church has been open since April although we’ve been streaming online as well since April last year. It’s one of the places I do feel safe though – everyone has been very good with wearing face coverings and social distancing and we’re still going to be encouraging that after 19th July.
Oh gosh, time does fly. I hope the transition to junior school goes well for Sophie. It must be so hard for you though with Sophie moving beyone where Jessica was. It is good that the new teacher knows your family.
Aww! It is sad that your breastfeeding journey has come to an end. Sending hugs. x
Thanks Kim. Sophie’s looking forward to starting and it will be a much easier transition given the teacher she has x
I hope Sophie’s transition to Junior school goes well, having a familiar face as a her teacher will help enormously. I can appreciate how bittersweet it must feel though. I’m not overly enthused at the plans to drop masks/distancing so I shall be keeping both too, especially in busy places.
I will be too – it seems the sensible thing to do.
I’m with you on the 19th July change. If nothing else, I find the mask a good reminder to respect other people’s space, especially if they’re feeling uneasy. I’ll carry on wearing it when I need to. It must be odd getting children ready for schools they haven’t visited other than virtually. I hope Sophie is excited and how lovely that she has a teacher you all know. Well done on the homegrown flowers. They look beautiful. #wotw
Thanks Cheryl. We’ll still be wearing masks and keeping our distance in busy places too.
I feel the same with everything opening up with no restrictions at all. I’m sure we’ll also be still wearing masks, and I’m hoping school will keep as it is to the holidays.
Hope Sophie’s transition goes well, it sounds good that the teacher knows Jessica and that should help with the whole family.
Thank you, I think the transition will be much easier with the teacher Sophie has for Year 3.
Hope Sophie’s start in year 3 goes well and she enjoys it.
I agree with you re the changes…I will still be avoiding crowded places and will probably stick with a mask in busy places.
Thank you – we will be doing the same.
I’m not required to wear a mask but I still do when leaving my home. It’s still an uncertain time and there are still new cases. #MMBC
Indeed. We’ll still be wearing masks and keeping our distance.
I hope that Sophie enjoys her last few days of infant school and has a good start to year three. It’s lovely that she will have a teacher who knew Jessica so well and will be able to share her memories too.
Thank you Catherine. She’s certainly got the best teacher to help with the transition.
SO many wonderful things to be thankful for. I find most transitions to be difficult as I am quite resistant to change. It’s always so bittersweet for me when things like breastfeeding or new school changes occur; it seems like they happen so fast! I can’t believe my oldest is starting college in the fall and my youngest will be in 8th grade. Time really does fly by.
I think many of us are resistant to change and transitions can be hard. Time really does fly. I hope that all goes well for your oldest with starting college in the fall.
Oh Louise, such an emotional time for you all, but I’m so glad for you that Sophie’s new teacher isn’t a complete unknown. The breastfeeding days may be at an end but there will be lot’s of new steps to take I’m sure #365
Thanks Mary – transitions always bring lots of emotion. I’m so glad that Sophie has the best teacher she could have had for year 3 though.
We’re getting ready for transitions too as my eldest heads to secondary school. Time goes so fast. I remember one day Zach just stopped feeding, I hadn’t known the last time would be the last time :'( I am horrified at the thought of restirctions lifting this week with numbers of cases and deaths rising. #project365
Oh it’s so hard when they stop feeding out of the blue like that. Sophie was the same. It is very worrying having restrictions lift with cases rising. I’m definitely being more cautious about venturing out.
I hope that Sophie’s transition goes well in September, growing up is so bittersweet. It is good that her new teacher knows you all though and hope brings some comfort. I had to stop feeding when I went back to work with Harry. Although we tried to keep an evening feed it didn’t last long and I was so upset. I do love your event shelter such a great idea.
Thanks Clare. It is so sad when they stop feeding.
Those are some big transitions for you all. We didn’t get any introduction for Little E’s new junior teacher. Also nothing for Ethan moving into seniors. I’m so glad he stayed in the same school. It’s great that the teacher has some knowledge of you and the family. I hope starting school went well for you all #WotW
It’s a shame that Little E and Ethan didn’t get a transition for moving up into junior and senior schools although hopefully being in the same school helped a lot for Ethan. Hope they have both settled in well.