#366daysofgratitude 2020 – Week 46

At the start of 2016, inspired by a friend, I started a daily gratitude challenge – posting one thing that I was thankful for each day on Instagram. I enjoyed it so much that when I reached the end of that year, I carried on and have kept going ever since. Finding one little thing to be thankful for each day has now become part of my daily routine and I’ve loved seeing friends joining in along the way too.


Finding little things to be grateful for isn’t always easy, especially when living through scary and uncertain times. I have found though that trying to find something, however small and trivial, to be grateful for has helped me through some of the hardest days of my life.


My eldest daughter Jessica, who died in April 2018, was an inspiration to me throughout her short life. She had so much strength and such a wonderful zest for life. Her godmother described her once as a “joy carrier” and it was the perfect description for her. She was a little ray of sunshine, full of smiles and gave joy to all who knew her. I am, and will always be, grateful to be her mummy. She taught me to enjoy the little moments and to make the most of everyday because tomorrow is never promised. And even though having to live life without Jessica is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do, I will continue to look for those little things to be thankful for, and keep going with this challenge in honour of my beautiful brave girl.


Here are my grateful moments from the past week:


Flowers in a vase; Thomas splashing in a puddle; Thomas asleep in his buggy seen from a bench with a book and flask of tea in the foreground; Thomas kissing the wooden carving of Jessica at her forever bed; a Playmobil scene from the parable of the Good Samaritan; Thomas looking at a sign in Langley Park; Sophie cleaning a bird feeder - "#366daysofgratitude 2020 - Week 46"


Day 320 – I am grateful for some beautiful flowers from my in-laws to help cheer me up after a tough week.

Day 321 – I am grateful for the simple joy of a toddler stomping in a muddy puddle.

Day 322 – I am grateful for a bench, a book, a flask of tea and a little boy who had a lovely nap while we were out and about.

Day 323 – I am grateful that I can still visit Jessica during this lockdown. And grateful for an adorable moment with Thomas giving her carving a kiss and saying “Ahh, Jessica. Love you Jessica.”

Day 324 – I am grateful that I have as much fun recreating Bible readings for church using the children’s Playmobil as they do playing with it. Guess what this week’s reading is?

Day 325 – I am grateful for time outdoors with Thomas this morning before a very busy afternoon preparing content for this week’s church service.

Day 326 – I am grateful for Sophie’s help with cleaning and refilling the bird feeders.

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24 thoughts on “#366daysofgratitude 2020 – Week 46

    1. Yes, it was the Good Samaritan. I’m quite enjoying recreating scenes for our Bible readings with Playmobil 🙂

    1. Thank you Kim, they did. I’m really enjoying recreating the Bible scenes – have to confess I ordered myself a Playmobil nativity advent calendar just so I could do the Christmas readings! I’ll let the kids have it once I’m done…!

  1. Aww, my eyes welled up at the photo of Thomas kissing the carving. Playmobil – is it raising of Lazarus? It’s so lovely when little people have a nap in the pushchair during the walks. I remember Eddie almost always fell asleep in Waitrose, for some reason it was the ultimate sleep-conducive place for him.
    Beautiful flowers from your in-laws. Big hugs to you! Hope this week treats you kinder.

    1. It’s the Good Samaritan but I can see how it could also be the raising of Lazarus. I wonder what it was about Waitrose that made Eddie fall asleep? Walks seem to be a good way of getting Thomas to nap at the moment.

  2. Not good you were having a tough week, hops this week has been easier for you. The flowers are lovely and a very nice gesture.
    I like the idea of the playmobile advent for yourself. Love your creativity in using them for church.
    Lots of outdoors for you this week. Great idea to take the flask and a book to read while he has a sleep outdoors.

  3. Sorry, you have had a tough week, so kind for your inlaws to send flowers. Hope this week has been better? The Playmobil advent sounds great and to use them for bible teachings as well.

    1. It was a better week, thank you. I had fun putting together the Playmobil Bible stories 🙂

  4. Oh that is so adorable Thomas kissing the carving. So sweet.

    Lovely flowers and so kind of them to send them to you after a tough week

  5. That’s so thoughtful of them to send flowers to bring a little joy to your day. What a genius idea taking a flask and a book on your walk! I should have thought of that when mine were little and napped. Playmobil toys are so much fun and great you can recreate scenes.

    1. The flask has become an essential item on walks now. It is nice to be able to stop and have a hot drink.

  6. Some lovely outdoor images! Especially the one of Thomas asleep meaning you get some you time to have a good read… what a gorgeous place to read too. Great idea on the flask! 😉
    Sorry to hear you had a tough week, but such lovely in laws and gorgeous flowers. Flowers never fail to make me smile, their healing powers are as strong as a good cup of tea! Hope you are having a lovely week! Sim x

    1. Thank you. We go and visit Jessica often – I never like to leave it very long between visits.

    1. It is lovely to see how he manages to connect with his sister even though he never met her.

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