For the last two years, I have taken part in a daily gratitude challenge – sharing one photo a day on Instagram of something I am grateful for. It’s taught me to look for the little things and has made me a more positive person. It has not always been easy to find something to be grateful for each day though, especially since losing my beautiful daughter Jessica in April. Jessica’s zest for life, her strength and the joy that she gave to all who knew her have always inspired me. I continue with this challenge every day in honour of her.
Day 245 – I am grateful for a lovely day catching up with friends at their daughter’s christening.
Day 246 – I am grateful for shoe fitting appointments. Made it so much quicker and easier to get Sophie’s school shoes today.
Day 247 – I am grateful for new photos of Jessica. Her reception teacher dropped over one of Jessica’s schoolbooks this morning (the one we’d used when working on phonics at home after her op) and a couple of photos of Jessica with her Reading Raccoon certificates and this photo which was on the wall of her classroom as part of a space where the children could remember Jessica. It is such a beautiful photo of her. Miss that happy little face so very much.
Day 248 – I am grateful for time to finish making Jessica’s birthday cake. She loved her Kerry so much and would have loved having a Kerry cake. Tomorrow will be her seventh birthday – the first one without her. We will take her cake to GreenAcres so we can sit with her on her birthday and remember all our happy memories. It will be a hard day for us, but we will get through it as best we can.
Day 249 – I am grateful for being able to take Sophie to school a little later today after all the other children were in and settled. She managed a smile for the photo but we’ve had a very tearful start to the day as Sophie didn’t want to go to school without Jessica. Lots of hugs needed and I know she will be well supported at school, hard though it was to leave her there when she was so sad. Wish so much I could wave a magic wand and make it better for her but she is surrounded by love and I know her big sister would have been so proud of her today.
Day 250 – I am grateful to have known and been friends with this lovely lady. Lisa, you were one of the bravest people I ever met, your strength was an inspiration to me and your beautiful smile lit up the room wherever you were. Sending so much love to Ashley and the family – you are all in my thoughts and prayers xx
Day 251 – I am grateful to everyone who nominated my blog for a BiBs award. So chuffed to be a finalist in the Inspire category. If you enjoy reading my blog and would like to vote me in the final, you can do so here.