#withkindnessandlove is a weekly series all about sharing some little moments of kindness and a blog post I have loved this week. Some weeks I might also share a quote that has inspired me, or some suggestions for small acts of kindness that I have come across.
I have a little confession to make this week. At the start of the year I embarked on a#365daysofkindness challenge – trying to consciously do one small act of kindness each day. I’d like to think I’ve done something kind every day but my aim to do so consciously has fallen by the wayside. Although I haven’t manage to keep up with my challenge, kindness will continue to be my focus for the year.
Little moments of kindness
Last week, hubby and I went to the 15th anniversary celebrations for a society we were founder members of. Two friends of ours kindly let us stay at their house and one of their friends offered to look after the girls for us. It’s rare for hubby and I to get a date night. To be able to have that time together was lovely. Our friends whose house it was were actually away at the time taking disabled children on a pilgrimage holiday to Lourdes as part of HCPT.
While staying at their house, I noticed the following sign on their wall:
I love this thought. It’s something that these two friends of mine show in their everyday lives. They are two of the most open-hearted and hospitable people I know. I am truly blessed to have them as friends.
Here are a couple more stories of kindness from the blog community:
“When my daughter (5 months old at the time) got admitted to hospital earlier in the year, I arrived at A&E alone and emotional. A lady whose own child had been staying at Birmingham Children’s Hospital for four months helped me carry my bags and stayed with me chatting until I’d calmed down. I never got her name but I was so, so thankful for her kindness, especially given the fact her own child was so poorly.” (Lucy – Real Mum Reviews)
A little compliment can go a long way but sometimes it’s easy to forget the nice things people say. Keeping a ‘compliments book’ as Jessica from That Mummy Blog is doing is a great way of recording them to look back on when we need a little encouragement. I love her post sharing a compliment from a stranger that helped make her day better.
Sharing some blog love
A blog post that I loved
There are days when the noise and the chaos of life with small children drives me batty. I have moments when I find myself wishing for peace and quiet. One day, that wish will be granted. No doubt I will miss the noise when my children no longer need me as much. Plutonium Sox shares a beautiful post reflecting on her wish for silence and the realisation that these noisy days are precious. It’s a reminder to me too that my children are only small for a short time and to make the most of this season of parenthood.
If you have any stories about being on the receiving end of an act of kindness that you’d like me to include in a future blog post, please feel free to email them to me at louise @ littleheartsbiglove.co.uk or fill in the form here.
Thank you so much for including my post Louise, these posts of yours are some of my favourite out of all the blog posts I read each week. I’ve had a tough couple of weeks so thank you for reminding me that there are lots of good people out there.
My pleasure Nat and thank you for your lovely comment. So sorry to hear you’ve had a tough couple of week though – hope things pick up soon x