There are times when it seems that there is just far too much hate in the world. Wars, terrorism, racism, bigotry – some days the news seems to be full of nothing else. There are times when I feel overwhelmed by the things I read and see on the news, wondering what on earth I can do to make any difference at all? I am just one person, one small voice. There is very little I can do to change the world on a big scale – but I can make my own little corner of it a happier place. I can focus on trying to be a better person, trying to be kinder, trying to be more patient.
It’s not always easy. There are days when my temper is all too short, when unkind words seem to come more easily than encouraging ones. There are days when doubt and negativity and complaint and criticism seem to be my default setting. I try to focus on being a nicer, kinder person and it often feels like I take three steps forward and two back. I am human – I am imperfect. All I can do is continue to try and to find little ways in which I can be kinder to others and share a little love in my world.
35 ways of showing kindness to others:
1) Giving someone my time and attention.
2) Donating to charity.
3) Donating unwanted clothes to a homeless shelter or charity shop.
4) Baking a cake for a friend.
5) Leaving a random note of encouragement for a stranger to find.
6) Being alert to the needs of others and trying to meet those needs if I can.
7) Making an effort to say thank you to someone for providing a good service or for being there in a time of need.
8) Switching off my phone and being completely present in the moment, giving my family my full attention.
9) Picking up some litter in my local area.
10) Making the effort to chat with someone who is new to a group I attend.
11) Trying to make ethical choices when shopping.
12) Making sure I am on time when meeting someone.
13) Being mindful of my consumption of resources and re-using and recycling where possible to help reduce my own impact on the environment.
14) Picking up a few extra items when doing my food shopping to give to the local foodbank.
15) Being willing to say yes when volunteers are asked for.
16) Biting my tongue when those hurtful words rise up.
17) Making the effort to apologise when I have been in the wrong.
18) Forgiving someone else for something that they have done wrong.
19) Writing a letter to a friend or sending them something out of the blue.
20) Buying a hot drink and something to eat to give to a homeless person.
21) Taking the time to really listen to someone else.
22) Making the effort to compliment someone, or passing on an overheard compliment to them.
23) Taking time to pray for someone in need.
24) Making up a gift box or basket for someone who would really appreciate it.
25) Putting a surprise note in hubby’s work bag to let him know I’m thinking of him.
26) Donating blood.
27) Standing up for someone else when others are being unkind about them.
28) Sending someone some flowers.
29) Holding open the door for someone.
30) Smiling.
31) Being polite.
32) Passing on a book I love to someone who I know will also enjoy it.
33) Surprising someone with an unexpected gift.
34) Giving someone a hug when they are having a tough day (providing they are happy to accept a hug!)
35) Being kind to myself and making sure I have time to top up my own emotional reserves too – after all, you can’t pour from an empty jug!
Are there any other small acts of kindness that you would add to this list?
What a great list. There’s a few of these things we already do but you’ve certainly given me some more ideas. I particularly like the surprise note – sometimes its the little things like that which can really brighten a day. #FamilyFun
Thank you David – the surprise note is one of my favourites on the list 🙂
Awww such lovely ideas and very easy to do as well. I love leaving random notes and sending little notes to friends. We all need to spread the love #FamilyFun
Thank you Emma – there definitely needs to be a little more love spread around the world! 🙂
Great post. It’s amazing how a little act of kindness to someone can really help improve your own happiness level too. Although no. 35 is crucial too – we must never neglect ourselves! #FamilyFun
Thank you Angela – it does make a difference doesn’t it – and looking after ourselves is very important too! 🙂
What a fab post Louise, you are so right, it often costs nothing to do something amazing for somebody. And I love the one about looking after yourself too, we so often neglect to do that.
I love this post – these are all so easy to do and could make such a difference to people. Something like smiling at a stranger or just being polite I think really can make a difference and try my best to just be nice everyday. I am not saying it always works but I certainly try. Thank yo for sharing at #familyfun
What a wonderful heart warming list Louise! I know I’d like any of these to happen to me it’s just about taking that extra moment to give others something so simple. I often think just smiling and saying hello to someone when out walking can mean a lot too. Thanks for linking up to #familyfun
Small kindnesses really can make a huge difference. A lovely, thought provoking list which reminds us that we can all do something kind every day.
What a great post! Sometimes you forget how simple politeness and general kindness can so easily brighten someone’s day, and I often find that when I make an effort it’ll end up rubbing off on myself! The days feel better when you’ve been kind and thoughtful. I also think it’s important to be mindful that just one act unkindness or rudeness can ruin another persons entire day! #triballove
What a lovely post. Very thoughtful. #tribalchat
Such a lovely and inspiring list. I sometimes think I don’t have enough time or enough money to perform acts of kindness every day, but your list has helped me see that it’s not just about buying or donating, but about my own mindset and attitude too.
Hi Louise, you’re right. Acts of kindness don’t have to be huge gestures, often it is the small ones that are the kindest. Can you imagine how much nicer a place the world would be if we all took the time to be a little kinder?
This is such a lovely post Louise full of positive ideas, I’m going to share it in my positivity group 🙂 xx