What we loved about In the Night Garden Live

The girls were bouncing up and down with excitement from the moment they spotted the giant inflatable showdome with the pictures of Upsy Daisy and Iggle piggle outside. Jessica had been talking about it for weeks ever since Daddy made the mistake of telling her that we were going to see In the Night Garden Live again – ah the joys of “is it today, Mummy? We go see In the Night Garden today?” when there were still many more sleeps to go! Despite it being the third year in a row for Jessica and the second time for Sophie, it was still just as magical as ever. Here are all the things that we love about going to see In the Night Garden Live:

What we loved about In the Night Garden Live - Little Hearts, Big Love

Before the show:

  • The excitement on the girls’ faces when they spot the inflatable showdome – particularly from Jessica who recognised it from our previous trips.
  • Lots of space for buggy parking.
  • Excellent toilet facilities – plenty of changing stations for baby changing and each cubicle in the ladies toilets having a child toilet seat and a step in each cubicle plus more steps next to the sink. Not sure if this is also the case in the men’s toilets too – obviously I didn’t check these out!
  • The goody bag (£60 worth of merchandise for £29 when ordered in advance) – very good value for money and our favourites from this year’s goody bag were the light-up windmill and the mealtime set.

Goody bag from In the Night Garden Live - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • The free souvenir programme included in the ticket price with two stories, the words to the characters’ songs and a couple of puzzles to do, as well as photos from the show – Sophie in particular loved looking through this.
  • Having premium seats right in front of the stage with a great close-up view. The long circular bench-like seating means there is plenty of space for the girls to move about, fidget and dance along. We booked early and paid £20 for each premium seat ticket.
  • Watching the projected Pinky Ponk travelling across the inside of the dome – Sophie was quite entranced by this when she spotted it.

What we loved about In the Night Garden Live - Little Hearts, Big Love

The show itself:

  • Staying completely true to the TV programme with the instantly recognisable opening sequence (and Igglepiggle travelling across the stage in his boat), a storyline that combines a couple of the TV episodes and the characters having a story and going to sleep at the end of the show.
  • Clever use of projection throughout – the opening flowers in the title sequence, the Tittifers between segments, the Pinky Ponk and Ninky Nonk going to sleep at the end of the show.
  • The way each character’s song is repeated (except the Pontipines’ song) and audience participation is encouraged on the repeat.

What we loved about In the Night Garden Live - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • Changing sizes of characters – life-sized Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy and Makka Pakka in some sections and then smaller ones if a change of perspective was needed, e.g. Igglepiggle in his boat or going for a walk, or a smaller Makka Pakka when washing Igglepiggle or Upsy Daisy’s faces.
  • The wonderful expression and animation on the puppeteers’ faces.

What we loved about In the Night Garden Live - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • The length of the show – a little longer than the TV programme but not too long that the children started getting bored.
  • Being able to take photos (without flash) throughout and capture the joy and wonder on my children’s faces.

What we loved about In the Night Garden Live - Little Hearts, Big Love

After the show:

  • Having your name called out (in the order booked) when waiting for the meet a character which minimised having to queue. There was also an area where the children could sit and colour in some pictures while they were waiting.
  • The meet a character tickets aren’t cheap at £15 each but it covers up to 5 people (maximum 3 children) and includes a souvenir photo in a storybook folder cover. The children had a couple of minutes to meet Upsy Daisy and Igglepiggle – plenty of time for lots of cuddles whilst the show photographer took photos but it was also very easy to take a few of our own too.

Meeting Upsy Daisy and Igglepiggle at In the Night Garden Live - Little Hearts, Big Love

  • Extra prints cost £5 for one, £8 for two, £10 for three which seemed fairly reasonable.
  • There is a stall selling plenty of In the Night Garden themed merchandise – soft toys, T-shirts, dress-up outfits etc. and balloons. Some of the items are exclusive to In the Night Garden Live – the mealtime set that we bought for the girls was one of these.


Although Jessica is starting to outgrow In the Night Garden now, this is still a magical experience for her and it is a wonderful way to introduce small children to live performances. Sophie too was quite captivated by it all and I’d certainly recommend it to anyone with little In the Night Garden fans. It’s quite good fun for bigger fans too – we went along with my friends Denise and Katy (who is my daughters’ godmother) and it was hard to say who was more excited about the whole thing – the girls or godmummy Katy!

Meeting Upsy Daisy at In the Night Garden Live - Little Hearts, Big Love

We're going on an adventure

36 thoughts on “What we loved about In the Night Garden Live

  1. Oh wow, this looks fab! There is a poster for it in my little boys nursery and I keep wondering if I should take him. Looks worth it!! Thanks for sharing. #twinklytuesdays xx

    1. Thanks Kim – the goody bag was a big hit with the girls, although on reflection perhaps I should have bought a second light-up windmill…! 🙂

  2. We went last year and have booked to go again this August. It is very expensive but I think it is really worth it. One of the best children’s shows we have ever been to #TriedTested

    1. It is expensive but I would agree that it is well worth the money – my two loved every minute. Hope you enjoy it when you go again in August.

    1. Thanks – we loved and I am sure you would too if your mummy does take you to see it 🙂

    1. It’s very similar to the TV show in many ways but it is magical to see it performed live.

  3. My little one would love this!
    Lovely pictures, especially the one with the hug from Upsy-Daisy. I imagine your little ones will remember this outing for a very long time 🙂

    1. Thank you – my eldest remembered it all from the previous year so am sure that this year will be just as memorable 🙂

  4. It look amazing but wow it must have cost a fortune with so many added extras.
    Thanks for sharing your review on #TriedTested this week x

    1. It is quite pricey with all the added extras but the children love it so much that we do it as a big treat for them each year. We’ve always done meet the characters but we’ve not always bought a goody bag – it depends on the contents.

  5. Ah this looks so lovely! I was very tempted to get tickets but my son seems to have gone off it at the moment so quite glad I didn’t lol! Love the goody bag, looks really good value for money. So glad you all had a great time xx #triedtested

    1. It is expensive, especially if you’re not sure whether your little one will enjoy it but would definitely recommend for little ones who are still big fans 🙂

  6. We’re booked in to see it this weekend, and I’m even more excited now! Sounds like they’ve really thought of everything to make it easier for parents and more enjoyable for children. Gorgeous photos x

    1. Hope you all have a wonderful time seeing it this weekend – am sure Boo and Little Man will love it 🙂

  7. Oh Louise!! You’ve TOTALLY sold this to me!! I have been really dismissive of it before — not really understanding what it was all about . But looking at the concentration — and happiness — on your girls’ faces makes me want to take the twins! I think they’d LOVE it 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday — hope to see you again next week! x

    Caro | http://www.thetwinklediaries.co.uk

    1. Thanks Caro – my girls both love the live show and I love watching their faces light up during it. Am sure if your twins are fans of In the Night Garden that they would love it too. Lovely to link up to #twinklytuesdays again! 🙂

    1. It’s brilliant Jenni – would definitely recommend and am sure Boo would love it 🙂

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