The Three Little Pigs: a story-telling puppet craft

One of Sophie’s Christmas presents last year was a box for “Special Time with Sophie”. Twelve envelopes. One to open each month. Each containing an activity for Sophie and me to do together. January’s activity was to do a craft together. Sophie decided that she wanted to make some puppets to tell the story of the Three Little Pigs.


We’ve done a similar craft to this before, making the Three Little Pigs out of paper plates when the girls were small. I doubt Sophie would remember. But doing another Three Little Pigs craft brought back some happy memories and made me smile.


The three houses made from felt/foam and a craft stick; the Three Little Pigs puppets, a Big Bad Wold puppet and Mummy Pig against the background of a brown paper bag decorated to be a background scene - "The Three Little Pigs - A story-telling puppet craft"


You will need:

  • Craft sticks
  • Felt or foam in the following colours: pink, grey, yellow, orange or brown, white and red.
  • Googly eyes
  • Buttons
  • Small pieces of raffia
  • Small matchstick-sized sticks or twigs
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • A paper bag
  • Coloured pens or pencils



Mummy Pig and the Three Little Pigs

1) Cut out two circles and two small triangles from pink felt or foam.

2) Place a craft stick between the two circles and glue in place. Add the two small triangles at the top of one of the circles to make the pig’s ears.

3) Add two googly eyes and a button nose and allow to dry.


Sophie sticking the eyes on one of her pig puppets

4) Add details as needed with a marker pen.

5) Repeat to make the other pig puppets.


The three little pigs puppets made from pink felt and a craft stick; with Mummy Pig made from pink foam and a craft stick


The Big Bad Wolf

1) Cut out two circles from grey felt or foam, two small triangles from black felt, and teeth from white foam or felt.

2) Place a craft stick between the two circles and glue in place. Add the two small black triangles at the top to make the wolf’s ears.

3) Add two googly eyes, a button nose and white foam/felt teeth.


The Big Bad Wolf puppet made from grey foam, a craft stick, googly eyes, white foam teeth and a black button for his nose


The Pigs’ Houses

1) Cut out two house shapes from coloured felt or foam. We used yellow for the straw house, orange for the stick house and a white rectangle with a red roof for the brick house.

2) Place a craft stick between the two pieces of felt or foam and glue in place.

3) Glue on details to match the house: pieces of raffia for the straw house; match-sticks or twigs for the straw house; and pieces of red foam cut into small rectangles for the brick house. Sophie also decided to add a foam flower to each of her houses.


The three houses puppets (straw house, stick house and brick house) made from craft sticks, foam, raffia, matchsticks and foam 'bricks'


The Story Bag

Decorate a paper bag with details of the Three Little Pigs story to make the story bag. You can decorate this as a backdrop scene, as my 6 year old did, and then use this as a background when telling stories with the puppets.


A brown paper bag decorated with flowers along the bottom and the words "The Three Little Pigs" on the handle


Sophie loved making her puppets and had lots of fun using them to tell the story of the Three Little Pigs to Thomas. I’m not sure he took in much of the story but he seemed to like watching the puppets!


Sophie holding one of the little pig puppets and the straw house puppet in front of the story bag with Thomas watching on


Kids and Kreativity linky

10 thoughts on “The Three Little Pigs: a story-telling puppet craft

  1. Love this, what a fantastic idea! It’s making me think what stick puppets we can make to re-tell our favourite stories. Thanks for sharing and linking up with #KidsandKreativity, hope to see you next time x

    1. It was such a fun craft. I’m sure we’ll try something similar for other stories too! 🙂

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