These little girls of mine bring me so much joy. Just watching them play together; seeing how loving they are with each other and how happy they are when they are together makes my heart melt. They are more than just sisters; they are the best of friends. Even when they have their little quarrels, as all siblings do, they are quick to make-up with a cuddle and a sorry. Sometimes they will seek reassurance: “I’m sorry. Am I still your best friend?” to which the answer is always “yes.” I love the bond that my girls have with each other; their affection and closeness and I hope they will always have this bond with each other.
Next week we are due to go into hospital for Jessica’s surgery. Those sibling moments are becoming increasingly precious. I find myself watching them closely, wanting to capture every moment and bottle it up. The laughs, the giggles, the hugs – and yes, even the moments of bickering. There is so much love that shines through in the moments when they are together. They are a little team, working together to make magic and mischief. I am so thankful for both of these little girls of mine and so lucky to be their mummy.
Jessica (6 years 2 months)
- Was very disappointed about her “sleepover” at the doctors being postponed and is counting down the sleeps until she goes in next week. I am so proud of how she just takes everything in her stride and is not at all anxious about going in to hospital. It makes it easier for me to stay strong for her.
- Has been enjoying playing with her Playmobil hospital to help prepare for her “sleepover”.
- Received her bronze reading raccoon certificate for reading 25 books so far this school year. She is now reading green level books and is becoming much more confident with her reading which is lovely to see.
- Had a good report at parents’ evening and is doing well at school overall.
- Enjoyed taking part in the Remembrance Sunday parade with her friends from Girls’ Brigade.
- Loves the box of Lego that Sophie got for her birthday and will happily spend ages building things. She will build from her imagination but prefers to build following instructions if there are some available.
Sophie (4 years 0 months)
- Has enjoyed going to her first couple of birthday parties with her preschool friends.
- Had a lovely birthday and loved her Paw Patrol birthday cake. Unfortunately her birthday party had to be cancelled due to her and Jessica both coming down with a tummy bug. Thankfully Sophie wasn’t too disappointed about it.
- Has moments of surprising me with the things she can do – like managing to write “Peppa Pig” at the top of a drawing when I didn’t know she could write words at all and being able to add two single digit numbers together.
- Enjoyed catching up with a friend at soft play.
- Has been reminding me that she is a “big girl” now she is 4. “I can do it by myself!” is a phrase we hear a lot of at the moment!
- Enjoyed being allowed to join in with Jessica for the last ten minutes of Girls’ Brigade last week and is looking forward to being able to join properly after Christmas.
Aww that’s so lovely Louise, it’s amazing that they get along so well. My two are just the same – getting along wonderfully most of the time, but the bickering can be a nightmare. I separated them this morning and made them sit in separate rooms for half an hour. They were devastated. I will be thinking of you all in the run up to the new surgery date, Jessica is amazing how she is taking it all in her stride.
Thank you so much Nat. We have odd moments like that too but on the whole they are wonderful together x
Ah, that last pic! They do always look so very close, and so sweet that they check that they are still best friends with one another x
I love that last photo – was such a lovely moment with Sophie giving Jessica a cuddle to help cheer her up x
Oh they are just adorable together – and aww that last photo – that’s definitely one to print for the wall! Fingers crossed and many prayers that everything goes well for Jessica’s next sleepover – and that it actually happens so that it isn’t always looming on your horizon x
Thank you Carie. Love that last photo too 🙂
That last photo is just beautiful Louise. Your girls are gorgeous together. I hope that next week goes ok, thinking of you all x
Thank you so much Laura x
Oh I love the pic with the rainbow. I will be thinking of you all next week. Lots of love xx
Thank you Emma x
Such lovely and precious photos of your two they do look so close x
Thank you, they do have a lovely bond 🙂