#365daysofgratitude is my challenge for 2017 to share one photo a day on Instagram of something I am grateful for. I took part in a similar challenge last year and loved it so am looking forward to continuing with it this year. Here are the things that I’ve been grateful for over the past week:
Day 309 – I am grateful for time at the park followed by dinner at Grandma and Grandad’s house. “Haven’t we had a lovely Sunday, Mummy?” Jessica said on the way home. We have indeed, my darling, and may there be many more Sundays like this once we’re home from the hospital.
Day 310 – I am grateful to have hubby home again. The girls were so happy to see Daddy.
Day 311 – I am grateful for the ordinary moments of a normal day – morning snuggles, holding hands on the school run and time with my girls in the afternoon. We’re packed and ready – just need to see if we have a bed tomorrow morning as the ward is very busy.
Day 312 – I am grateful for a lovely family afternoon at Langley Park to help cheer Jessica up after the disappointment of having her “sleepover” at the doctors’ postponed.
Day 313 – I am grateful that we have a new date for Jessica’s surgery and that being able to count the sleeps again has made my big girl a little happier. She was so disappointed to be going back to school this morning. Love how Sophie was trying to comfort her and how loving these little girls of mine are with each other.
Day 314 – I am grateful for the little things that make my girls happy. They both loved helping put the sweets out ready for tuck after Girls’ Brigade today (and then getting to eat some later in the evening!)
Day 315 – I am grateful for pretty autumn colours and an afternoon walk with my family to enjoy them.