Siblings – July 2023

There’s just a couple of days left to go now until the end of the school year. Another school year done. It’s a time of transition and the reminder of how quickly Sophie and Thomas are growing up, seeing them reaching another milestone each and, of course, the reminder of the milestones that Jessica is missing out on. We would have been preparing for the end of her primary school days and the transition to secondary school. Sophie asked me the other day what school Jessica would have gone to. We’ll never know.


I’m looking forward to the summer holidays and the time with Sophie and Thomas. Sophie is excited about moving up to Year 5 in September and looking forward to getting to spend whole days over the summer with her little brother, who is “the cutest, most adorable boy in the world” in her eyes. I’ll enjoy that view while it lasts – I suspect it will change as we head towards the teenage years!


The end of the school year will be a relief for Thomas, I think. School has been a challenging environment for him in many ways and while things did get better after Easter, he’s been unsettled again at the end of the summer term, perhaps because of all the changes in routine that this time of year brings. I’m hoping we’ll have a more positive experience in Year 1 and he’ll have the support he needs.


I wish with all my heart I could have been looking forward to a summer of making memories with all three of my beautiful children, or at least to have had some memories of the three of them together, but that’s something that can never be. As always, we’ll hold Jessica in our hearts while doing our best to make fun memories together. There will be moments of laughter, and moments of joy, and while they may always be bittersweet, they’re precious moments nonetheless.


Sophie and Thomas sitting together on Sophie's bed with Sophie holding a picture of Jessica - "Siblings - July 2023"



Thomas (4 years 11 months)

  • Was off school for a few days with impetigo. Thankfully so far the rest of us managed to avoid getting it and the rash has almost gone thanks to the antibiotics.
  • Enjoyed going on a bus ride with Nanny when she came to stay.
  • Enjoyed his transition afternoon in his year 1 class and will be in the same class that Sophie and Jessica were in which is lovely.
  • Has been referred for an autism assessment by school at our request. Hopefully this will help him get the right support.
  • Is getting very excited about his birthday coming up and has been counting down the days.



Sophie and Thomas sitting together on Sophie's bed with Sophie holding a picture of Jessica



Sophie (9 years 8 months)

  • Has been cast as the understudy for Flounder in The Little Mermaid summer youth project. She’ll get to play the role in the Friday matinee performance and will be in the ensemble for the other shows.
  • Enjoyed taking part in sports day and was very pleased to come 3rd in her sprint race.
  • Has enjoyed performing in her end-of-term shows – playing guitar in her iRock concert and then playing the Wicked Witch and Teenage Fiona in her drama group end-of-term production of Shrek.
  • Lost a tooth and was very excited to get a reply to her letter to the tooth fairy along with a coin.
  • Was very pleased to get her badges for the year and to win the junior marks competition at the Girls’ and Boys’ Brigade awards evening.


Sophie and Thomas sitting together on Sophie's bed with Sophie holding a picture of Jessica


Jessica (forever 6 years 7 months)

  • Was included by her classmates in part of their leavers’ activities as they presented me with a leaver’s hoody with Jessica’s name on and a card remembering their friend Jessica. It meant so much that Jessica was remembered and included.
  • Was remembered with love at the Girls’ Brigade awards evening when her memorial trophy was awarded. Jessica would have been promoted to senior section at the awards and so her butterfly will be moving to the seniors’ room in September.


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