Review – My Giant Fairy Tale Activity Book

Is it a storybook? Is it a colouring book? Is it a puzzle book? My Giant Fairy Tale Activity Book, our latest Book Buddy book from Parragon Books, is a combination of all three – featuring four well-known fairy tales, with various activities to help bring the story to life and encourage learning and creativity.

Review - My Giant Fairy Tale Activity Book - Little Hearts, Big Love

Three of the stories – The Three Little Pigs, The Princess and The Pea and Little Red Riding Hood are ones that my two girls are already very familiar with; the fourth – Hansel and Gretel – is one that I hadn’t yet introduced them to. At the start of each story, there is an introduction to the characters and an animal to look for on each page. My girls both loved looking for this as we sat and read the story together – I quickly discovered that there was no point trying to read until the rabbit/dog/mouse/kitten had been found!

Review - My Giant Fairy Tale Activity Book - Little Hearts, Big Love

There are activities on each double page which add to the story – things to count or to draw, mazes to follow, odd ones out to look for, differences to spot, items to match, pictures to colour etc.  Some of the activities – such as copying pictures using a grid were a little too advanced for my four-year old to do, but she was in her element colouring and drawing pictures, and trying to follow mazes. Even two-year-old Sophie was quite happy to sit and scribble.

Review - My Giant Fairy Tale Activity Book - Little Hearts, Big Love

This is a fun book which kept both my girls occupied for ages – they loved listening to the stories and trying to follow some of the activities.

Review - My Giant Fairy Tale Activity Book - Little Hearts, Big LoveReview - My Giant Fairy Tale Activity Book - Little Hearts, Big Love

Disclaimer: We were sent a copy of the book to review through being part of Parragon Books’ Book Buddies. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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15 thoughts on “Review – My Giant Fairy Tale Activity Book

  1. I love the look of this book, story inspired activities are always fun!

    I waited a while until I introduced Hansel and Gretel too. I thought the witch getting pushed into the oven was a too scary for little people!


    1. They didn’t seem too bothered by that bit, I have to say – think they were probably more distracted by the house covered in sweets!

  2. I love it when books are also activities because it really encourages children to look at books as equal toys. Lovely review and like you, Hansel & Gretal isn’t a story we’re used to either!

    1. It is lovely to see how absorbed Jessica was in the book and how it helped bring the story to life 🙂

  3. This book looks fab. Amelia’s really into books/magazines that are interactive getting her to colour certain bits or put stickers in certain places she would love this 🙂

    1. Stickers are really the only thing missing from this book although it managed to keep the girls amused for ages without them.

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