Me and You: March 2015 – Thank you hubby

Today’s 40acts challenge is to ‘bless the boss.’ One of the suggested challenges is to write them a letter to say ‘thank you’. As I work part-time for my husband’s company, my hubby is also my boss.  For this month’s ‘Me and You’ post, I thought I would combine the two and reflect on the things that I am thankful for.

Me and You - March: Thank you hubby - Little Hearts, Big Love

Thank you hubby for the big things:

  • For being my rock. You have provided me with love, strength and support during all the dark and difficult moments we have gone through since the day we became heart parents.
  • For loving me even when I am at my most unlovable. You always see the person I try to be underneath the prickly exterior that I all too often show.
  • For the many years of happy memories that we have shared together. The holidays, the fun days out, performing together in concerts and shows. So many wonderful moments shared.
  • For holding my hand and telling me that I could do it. You were a huge source of strength to me when I gave birth to our two daughters.
  • For being the wonderful daddy that you are.
  • For working so hard every day to enable me to stay at home full-time with the children. It’s a blessing that I don’t always appreciate as much as I should.

Me and You - March: Thank you hubby - Little Hearts, Big Love

Thank you hubby for the little things:

  • For the times you’ve taken charge and made sure that I could grab some extra sleep.
  • For being the one who always mows the lawn and does the DIY jobs. You’re much better at these things than I am!
  • For letting me warm my cold feet against you on a winter’s night.
  • For hugs and kisses and saying “I love you” on a daily basis. I always feel so loved when I am with you.
  • For the times you tell me I’m beautiful even when I don’t feel like I am.
  • For the joy I see on our children’s faces when you walk in the door. I love to hear their squeals of delight when you pick them up and spin them around.
  • For enabling me to have time to blog because you know how much I love to write.
  • For every time you’ve remotely accessed our sound system and made it play ‘I Just Called To Say I Love You’. It’s such a lovely way to let me know you’re thinking of me when you’re away working. It makes me laugh when you announce your arrival home in a similar fashion by making it play ‘Daddy Cool’.
  • For all the morning cups of coffee. Not forgetting the lovely family snuggles in bed at the weekend too!
  • For every stinky nappy change that I didn’t have to do myself!
  • For every spider that you’ve trapped and taken outside because I’m too nervous to.


There are so many more things I could list and I am thankful for all of them. All too often, I am quick to see what hasn’t been done, the little things that get missed or forgotten. I forget about the many things that do get done, all the little moments of help that I take for granted. Today’s challenge has been a good prompt to stop, remember and acknowledge them.


Me and You - March: Thank you hubby - Little Hearts, Big Love

This month’s photos were taken at our friends’ twins’ naming day yesterday. They’re not the best quality unfortunately but capture a moment. A brief moment spent together, enjoying each other’s company while the girls had fun running around the gardens. It’s been a busy month again with hubby away working for much of it. We haven’t managed a date night together this month either. Thankfully we have a family holiday coming up though. I’m looking forward to spending lots of quality time together.



36 thoughts on “Me and You: March 2015 – Thank you hubby

  1. Awww!! Another lovely post Louise, the bit about him accessing the sound system made me go from ‘Aw how lovely to’ laughing out loud. All Dads must consider that to be their song hehe!!

    I am loving the 40 Acts too and how they are being interpreted X

  2. Awww what a lovely post Louise, such a fantastic post to read, it’s made me all emotional and I love that your hubby remotely accesses your sounds system… it really is the little things that make you realise how luck you are isn’t it =)
    Think I am going to go give my hubby a hug!

    1. Thanks Jenni – it is the little things that make you appreciate them but I don’t stop and think about them often enough. Hope your hubby enjoyed his hug! 🙂

  3. Hi Louise, what a nice post. So often we take those closest for granted and your husband sounds lovely and a lot of fun too. It must be nice to be played songs knowing he’s thinking of you or on the way home. It’s the little things that bring smiles the easiest.

    And I have to ask are you really short or is your husband really that tall?

    Lovely post.

    1. Thank you Debbie – he is lovely. And the answer to your question is both – I am 5’0″ and he is 6’3″ – so there is a 15″ height difference 🙂

  4. Hello! This is a lovely post. I should write something similar for my hubby as he does so much too. How lucky we are. The pictures are fab too. You look so happy!! ️Xxx #twinklytuesday

    1. Thank you Sarah – always good to stop and remember how lucky we are to have fab hubbies 🙂

  5. Oh this is such an adorable post – I bet it’s made his day! It’s nice to sit back and think about the things we’re grateful for isn’t it 🙂 Love it. Mim @ #TwinklyTuesday

  6. This is such a sweet post, I hope your Husband prints himself a copy. He seems like a great guy, I love that he remotely plays you songs, what a lovely idea!

  7. Ahh what a lovely post and gorgeous me and you captures!!! Love that bloggers are still doing this project without the linky. Beautiful words. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

    1. Thanks Jenny – love stopping to focus on hubby and me time. Lovely to link up again 🙂

  8. Such a gorgeous post – You guys looks lush together! I love the hight difference 🙂 I recon your hubby feels very lucky to have you too! xxx

    Thanks for linking up to #TheList lovely xxx

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