May has been a very mixed month. We’ve had the joy of being able to catch up with some of my extended family again having not seen them for nearly eight months. We’ve been able to hug close family again which has been amazing. But we’ve also had sadness this month too, with the deaths of a close family member and a family pet plus the third anniversary of Jessica’s funeral in the middle of the month. It’s been quite a rollercoaster ride.
We’ve learned to live with the co-existence of joy and sorrow over the last three years although that doesn’t make it any easier when the storms of grief are intense. This month has been a reminder of how important family is; how important it is to pull together and support each other when times are hard. I’ve been so very thankful for family this month and the love that holds us all together.
This month has also been a reminder of how quickly time passes and to try and enjoy the moments where we can. Sophie is about to enter her last half-term at infant school; Thomas has had a preschool visit ready for him to start in September. Both of them have needed new summer clothes. It’s nice to finally have the summer weather arrive for them to be able to wear them though!
In those moments where life has been less of a rollercoaster ride, we’re enjoying the moments of normality that we’ve missed during the lockdowns of the last year. Sophie is enjoying her dance and swimming classes; Thomas is enjoying being able to go to Tiny Talk classes again. Seeing him interacting with other children is such a joy. The return to more normality does mean though that I’m back flying solo at times while hubby is working away. I shouldn’t grumble but that was certainly one aspect of normality that I didn’t miss last year! Another reminder to make the most of enjoying family moments together when we get them!
It sounds like a good month being able to see family again but I am so sorry for you losses.
Lovely photos, it looks like you were having great fun. x
Thanks Kim, it has been nice to see family again.
Oh, what lovely pics of you all! I’m so glad that you have the support from your family to help ease the hard times, that’s so important.
It’s so nice to have some normality back after the lockdowns isn’t it?! I’ve also been busy buying new summer clothes, my two have outgrown pretty much everything lately!
Have a wonderful weekend. xx
Thank you, we are so lucky to have such good family support on both sides.