Me and Mine (August)

It’s been a bit of a mixed month for us with regards to family time. Hubby spent the first half of the month working away on an event. Whilst we enjoyed having a stay at Nanny’s whilst he was away, we missed being together as a family, and so it was lovely to be able to go away for a few days at the end of the month, going on an adventure to find some more gold postboxes as well as enjoying a day out at CBeebies Land where this month’s photos were taken:

Me and Mine Aug-14 (3)

Me and Mine Aug-14 (2)

Me and Mine Aug-14 (1)

This is the second time we’ve been to a theme park as a family this year, having been to Legoland for my birthday back in May (and then this month’s theme park trip almost coincided with hubby’s birthday which was a couple of days earlier).  What was particularly lovely this time around was being able to go on the rides as a family – now that Sophie is able to sit independently (and is now standing and starting to take her first few steps), she is able to go on all the rides that Jessica can.


Linking in again with Lucy at dearbeautiful and the Me and Mine photo project:


dear beautiful

8 thoughts on “Me and Mine (August)

  1. Aww that’s so lovely that you can all go on the rides together, and it looks like you’ve had a wonderful time!

  2. Lovely photos, looks like you had a great day out 🙂 #meandmine

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