Heart to Heart linky was set up to help other heart families share their stories and experiences in order to help support each other as a community. It opens on the 15th of each month and stays open for a week so there is plenty of time to share your CHD-related posts. You can share as many posts as you like – old posts or new posts, updates on how your heart child is progressing, poems, advice – whatever you like as long as it is related to life as a heart family. If you would like to add the code below to your post that would be great and please do visit other posts in the link too! I’ll also try and share posts on Twitter – and will try and retweet those with the hashtag #hearttoheartlinky
Thank you to everyone who linked up last month. Heart Mummy shared Anna’s story of her experience of trying to breastfeed her daughter Erin (who sadly died aged 22 days) and her frustration that the support received was predominantly focused on expressing rather than encouraging Erin to feed directly, something I can certainly relate to from my own experience with breastfeeding a child with CHD. Heart Mammi shared a reflection on when another child with CHD dies – the sadness for the bereaved family mixed in with the fear that one day this may be her child.
Welcome to Shauna from Pickles and Peppers who joined the #hearttoheartlinky community for the first time. It is always good to read about CHD from the perspective of an adult living with it and Shauna shared two posts raising awareness of CHDs and in particular, the need for better transition from paediatric to adult care – I was quite shocked by the statistic she shared that only 10% of adults living with CHD are getting the specialist care they need.
Finally, Beth in a Box shared a couple of posts following Rainbow finally being able to come home after her heart surgery – a moving video sharing Rainbow’s journey so far and a reflection on adapting to being back at home again.
I have added posts previously linked up to Heart to Heart on my Pinterest board as well as sharing other CHD-related posts. If you would like an invite to pin to it, please do let me know. Looking forward to reading your heart-related posts this month.
Follow Little Hearts, Big Love’s board CHD stories – Heart to Heart linky on Pinterest.