Friday Focus 19/04/2024 – Intense

This last week has been intense. There’s been the all the emotions that come at this time of year as we passed the sixth anniversary of Jessica’s death, along with the busyness of a show weekend for Sophie. I was chaperoning backstage on the two evening shows and got to watch the Saturday matinee performance which was amazing.


The word 'intense' in orange and yellow shaded bubble letters


Sunday was a quieter day remembering Jessica. We did a few little things to give joy in Jessica’s memory and spent time at her forever bed.


A vase of colourful flowers at Jessica's forever bed


Back to school was a milestone moment for Thomas getting to do something neither of his sisters did – returning to school for the summer term in Year 1. I thought with him and Sophie being back to school, I’d manage to catch up on the things I’d been putting off during the holidays but with other things going on and various tasks being more complicated than expected, I’m still very much playing catch-up with things!


Sophie has another dance festival this weekend so it’s a busy one for us. I’m hoping that next week will be a quieter one though and I can catch up on things again!



What I’ve been grateful for this week:


My mum cuddling Thomas; Sophie wearing her Betty Blue Eyes T-shirt; Jessica at the park with Sophie cuddling her; Thomas standing against a brick wall; me with my mother-in-law and the Mayor; a selfie of Thomas; forget-me-nots in the garden - "#366daysofgratitude 2024 - Week 16"


  • Day 103 – I am grateful to have my mum staying for the weekend.


  • Day 104 – I am grateful for getting to see Sophie perform in Betty Blue Eyes.


  • Day 105 – I am grateful that Jessica is remembered and loved and for all the beautiful memories we have of her. Always thankful for the six and a half years we had while always wishing it could have been more.


  • Day 106 – I am grateful for the start of the summer term. Thomas is the first (and only) one of my children to go back to school for the summer term in Year 1. Jessica died just before the start of her Year 1 summer term and Sophie was home schooled for hers due to the Covid lockdown. A bittersweet milestone moment for my baby boy.


  • Day 107 – I am grateful for an invitation to the mayor’s parlour. Lovely to meet the mayor and find out more about his role.


  • Day 108 – I am grateful for the random selfies which meant I had a gratitude photo for today!


  • Day 109 – I am grateful for forget-me-nots in the garden.



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9 thoughts on “Friday Focus 19/04/2024 – Intense

  1. With such a busy and exciting weekend, I’m glad you were able to have quiet time to remember Jessica. I’ve always loved your way of remembering her with your acts of joy. Very beautiful. One of those strange milestones sending Thomas in to school for Year one’s summer term. Covid mucked up so much. How exciting to be invited by the mayor. Seeing behind the scenes. I always love forget-me-nots at this time of year. We have a patch outside our back door and it often catches my eye. Hope you have a good week.

  2. Love the forget me nots. We’ve got so many in our front garden alongside the primroses. Nice to have your mum stay when it was probably a hard time for you.

  3. I love busy days in times like this. It’s great that your daughter is doing so well in her performances as it helps the family to have other things to concentrate on. Hopefully the next week brings more refuge from the sad days. I hope the little ones enjoy their last term of the school year and that you catch up with your to-do lists.

  4. How nice to get an invitation to the mayors parlour.

    Sounds like a busy weekend with the show but glad you got to spend some time at Jessica’s forever bed and that your mum was there.

  5. It does sound like an intense week. I am glad you had a quiet day remembering Jessica, I thought of her too. She was such a special girl.
    I always do the exact same thing, put things off and then find out the tasks are more complicated than I first thought. Oops.
    What lovely photos! Thomas really does have the cheekiest smile. x

  6. How lovely to have your mum with you at such at a difficult time for you all, remembering Jessica and a hard time with Thomas going back to school in year 1. Well done to Sophie with her performance in Betty Blue Eyes and good on Thomas for the selfies.

  7. I am late to this dancing / musical theatre game and I thought swim training was intense!! I need to practice the show hair as I am hopeless at it

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