On 4th May 2011 I woke in the early hours of the morning and cried as I remembered the events of the previous day. Scared for my unborn baby’s future, scared of the journey that lay ahead. I wished I could wake in the morning and find it had all been a bad dream.
Fast forward six years and once again I woke in the early hours. This time, I smiled as I pulled my big girl closer to me. Relishing the sleepy snuggles and feeling thankful for my babies who had both decided to come and sleep in Mummy’s bed. Realising once again how incredibly lucky we are and thanking God for being able to enjoy these ordinary, everyday, infinitely precious moments.
May is such a significant month for us as a family. It is the month our heart journey began. Dates in the calendar are sharp reminders of those early, frightening days when we had so little hope to cling to. To be here now with Jessica and Sophie is an incredibly precious gift. To feel Jessica giving me a squeeze and telling me “I love you sooooo much Mummy! You’re my best Mummy!” is the most wonderful feeling. These little girls of mine are my world.
And so this week I am thankful. I am thankful for the little moments, for the medical staff, for the prayers and the love of friends and family. I am thankful for the rollercoaster ride that we have experienced. I am thankful for the here and now, for being able to see Jessica enjoying life and having fun at school. For every milestone that I never dreamed I’d see. I pray that I will see many more of them.
Things I have loved this week:
- Jessica getting her gold Reading Raccoon certificate for reading 100 books, a WOW of the Week certificate for fantastic reading, a Headteacher’s Award sticker and her one year Girls’ Brigade badge all on the same day!
- Going for a walk in a nearby bluebell wood.
- Sophie trying on her costume for the ballet show.
- Taking Jessica to see the fairy houses at Ruislip Fairy Village.
- Being given a map of the local footpaths and having fun exploring some of them with Sophie.
- Reaching 4000 followers on Instagram.
- Stepping back in time for an Elizabethan Adventure at Chiltern Open Air Museum and watching Sophie joining in with the Elizabethan dancing.
- Winning Little Paper Swans‘ giveaway for a place on her phone photography course.
- Getting Jessica’s new special-needs buggy. We’ve managed to cope using her baby buggy up until now but it’s good to finally have a more appropriate one!
I cannot imagine how frightening it must have been for you straight after Jessica’s birth as you faced such a scary and unknown time ahead of you. I am so glad that six years later you have so much to be thankful for. She is an amazing little girl.
Sophie looks so adorable in her ballet show outfit. You can see the joy radiating from her! x
Thank you Louisa. It was a very scary time but so amazing to see how well Jessica is doing now. I loved how happy Sophie was in her ballet show outfit, couldn’t resist taking a photo! 🙂
So much to be thankful for, you have such lovely little girls. Sophie looks so cute in her little costume, hope she had fun at the ballet show. Well done to Jessica on her achievements this week, you must be very proud of her. Have a lovely weekend. #WotW
Thank you Angela – am proud of them both. Hope you have a lovely weekend too 🙂
Ahh! Those dates. We have ours too which when I see them pop up on Timehop or Facebook it feels like a punch to the stomach. Thankfully we are the lucky one’s who’s girls are doing well. We do have a lot to be thankful for.
Well done Jessica. All those certificates are fab!
Sophie’s costume is just adorable.
Thank you Kim. It does hit you when they pop up again doesn’t it? We certainly do have a lot to be thankful for x
So many things to be thankful for, but especially your little girls. I love Sophie’s ballet costume xx
Thank you Anne. She did look so sweet in it 🙂
Your photos are always so gorgeous and I feel every word you have written.
What a lovely week you’ve had and I can imagine it is incredibly poignant time of you for you. We sre so lucky to have our kiddies aren’t we? Xxx
Thank you Caroline. We certainly are very lucky 🙂
A wonderful word, so much to feel thankful for. May must feel so special to me, with so many emotions. Well done to Jessica on her amazing haul of certificates! And how adorable does Sophie look?! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x
Thank you Jocelyn. Sophie did look sweet and I was so proud of Jessica coming out of school with those certificates 🙂
Oh wow. What an anniversary. So much to feel thankful for. Just lovely that you can wake up cuddling her. Both of them. Good to hear that you have the next step up in buggy too. Sophie looks gorgeous in her ballet outfit and well done Jessica for all her awards. #wotw
Thank you Cheryl. It was lovely to wake in the night cuddling them both. Looking back definitely makes me realise how lucky I am 🙂
aww what a lovely week, Well done Jessica and doesn’t Sophie look gorgeous X #wotw
Thank you. I loved seeing Sophie in her ballet outfit – she did look sweet! 🙂
Awww sounds like a nice week. #wotw
Thank you Merlinda, it was 🙂
Oh I’m so glad you’ve got the buggy you need. And congratulations to Jessica for an amazing day of awards!
Thank you Nat. It will certainly make days out a lot easier! 🙂
Ah what a mix of emotions for you this month Louise. But to look and back and be truly grateful is a gift in itself. The simple things in life can pass by so easily. Lovely to read about your week again, it’s possibly one of my favourite readso f the week. #wotw
Thank you so much Carol. The tough times have certainly been quite a rollercoaster but in many ways they’ve helped to teach me how important the little things are and to be thankful for them x
Ah this post is so lovely Louise, I cant imagine what you all went through and am so glad Jessica is doing so well. And what a fab week for her? And Sophie’s costume is adorable, hope you all gave a lovely week x
Thank you so much Sarah. Looking back does make me realise again what a rollercoaster it has been at times (and will be again) but it’s so lovely to see Jessica doing so well and I was so proud of all her achievements this week. I loved seeing Sophie in her costume too! 🙂
May this month bring you many more moments of joy. #WotW
Thank you Helena 🙂