Friday Fabulous Five #69

The Friday Fabulous Five is my regular feature where I share five of my favourite blog posts that I have read in the previous fortnight – posts that have made me laugh, made me cry or made me think.  Here is my latest selection of five fabulous blog posts:


  • I love Slouching Towards Thatcham’s song parodies and this rewrite of Deep Blue Something’s ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ showing the thought processes that parents go through when considering “Dinner at Maccy D’s” is brilliant.
  • Sometimes it’s hard to talk about the challenges of parenthood without being dismissed, or feeling like others perceive you as showing off or competing.  I love this post from Ellamental Mama which sums up some of those struggles and encourages us to talk about the highs and lows of parenting and to share them.
  • If you’ve ever struggled to get your head around using follow and no-follow links, this post from Pink Pear Bear explains them brilliantly.
  • It’s so easy to think that other parents have everything under control – especially if they look like they do.  Beta Mummy shares a beautiful post which reminds us that appearances can be deceptive – and even Alpha Mummies can struggle.
  • I’m lucky to have a close bond with my four sisters and seeing the strong bond between my two little girls is just beautiful.  I could really relate with the 10 reasons why sisters are awesome shared by Plutonium Sox.  I hope my girls will be as close as they are now. Brothers are awesome too by the way – I have four of those too!


I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did and have a good weekend!  You can also find posts previously featured in my Friday Fab 5 on the Friday Fab 5 board over on Pinterest.


Follow Louise’s board Friday Fab 5 on Pinterest.

Friday fab 5

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