It’s Friday again and time for me to share five of my favourite posts that I’ve read this week. This week’s Friday Fabulous Five are:
- Rosey at PNDandme shares her reflections on her road to recovery from postnatal depression – her blog is well worth a read if you’ve struggled with PND:
- Baby Chaos tries to find some positives with starting to wean her little one from the breast:
- Potty Mouthed Mummy shared some of the parenting tricks that ‘worked for everyone else’ but for some reason her little one hadn’t read the same memo:
- Big Trouble in Little Nappies captures those bad mum days beautifully in this wonderful poem:
- Siobhan at Dare to Dream shares a hill-walking exercise to help break out of a negative spiral
Thank you so much! And also for showing me some more blogs I must go read! x
My pleasure – loved your post! Hope you have a lovely weekend 🙂
Thank you so much for the mention! And thank you for linking some lovely blogs. Really great posts!!
My pleasure – loved your post and look forward to reading more of your blog 🙂
There are some great posts here, I love tucking into new reads so thank you so much for that and so much for the mention 🙂 x
You’re very welcome – finding new blogs and getting to know other bloggers through their writing is one of the best things about blogging 🙂