I find interesting to read about other bloggers’ approaches to planning and writing blog posts. The blogosphere is such a varied community – everyone has different styles and approaches to blogging. I enjoyed reading a post by The Frenchie Mummy recently joining in with the Behind the Scenes Blogging Tag which has prompted me to share my own answers to the questions.
1. Where do you blog?
I have a small desk and computer in the front room which is where I prefer to blog (especially if I need to do any photo editing). Often I end up sitting in bed or on the sofa with my laptop though.
2. Where do you find inspiration for your blog posts?
My children provide the biggest inspiration for my blog posts. I tend to blog mostly about day to day life as a heart family and days out.
3. How long does it take you to write a blog post?
It varies depending on the post. Some posts I can write in less than an hour, others may take a lot longer. If I’m writing a poem or including lots of photos or drawings then it generally takes longer.
4. Do you plan your blog posts? How?
I have a set pattern of posts which tends to be as follows:
Monday – From the mouths of babes linky
Thursday – Parenting Pep Talk guest post
Friday – Friday Focus post (reflecting on the past week)
Saturday – days out post
Sunday – My Sunday Photo and #366daysofgratitude
There are also posts that I write regularly at certain points in the month – my Heart to Heart linky, Siblings project and Me and Mine project.
The rest of the posts I plan out using WP Editorial Calendar.
I find having a framework makes it much easier for me to blog regularly.
5. What kind of camera do you use? What editing program?
I have a Panasonic LUMIX GX1 which is my main camera but since doing my #366daysofgratitude project, I’ve tended to use my iPhone more as I always have it with me and I can share the photo easily on Instagram. Editing-wise, I use Aperture mostly, although if I’m away from my Mac and need to edit photos then I use PicMonkey. I add my logo in GIMP which is also my go-to program if I want to be more creative with my photos – for instance, I used it to add a starry backdrop to create last year’s Christmas card photo (which was originally taken in front of my garden fence).
6. Do you use a notebook to track your ideas?
I mostly use the Notes app on my phone to jot down ideas on the fly. I love pretty notebooks but don’t always have them to hand. If I need to free write for a while to get the ideas flowing then I always do so on paper – I find this unblocks me much better than if I am at a screen and I write differently on paper.
7. How do you take your pictures?
With a camera! I occasionally use a tripod, (usually for my me and mine family shot each month) but mostly it’s just snapshots of the moment as it happens.
8. What’s your favourite type of blog post to write?
I love writing my Friday Focus and reflecting back on my week. I also enjoy writing days out posts and poems.
9. Who knows about your blog?
Most people who know me know that I blog. I’m quite open about it. It does make me think twice about the things I post though. My rule of thumb is that if I’m not comfortable with my mum or someone from church reading what I’m writing then I don’t post it.
10. Are you an organised or a messy blogger?
I’m mostly organised.
11. Biggest blogging pet peeve?
I’m not a fan of image-heavy posts with huge images that take ages to load. I also find big pop-ups in the centre of the screen irritating – the ones I’ve seen that pop up at the side aren’t too bad though.
If you’ve enjoyed reading and feel tempted to answer the same questions, then please feel free to consider yourself tagged and let me know if you do join in!
Really great post I always find these posts so interesting how other people blog I’m not sure I’m that organised #bloggerclubuk
I love reading these types of posts too, really interesting to find out other people blog and organise themselves. I’m generally organised, but I’m on a mission to be more organised after the holidays X #bloggerclubuk
I think it’s my nosiness that makes me find these posts so interesting! I’ve definitely found the rhythm of things easier since I’ve got into more of a posting schedule – markers throughout the week / month that I can use as prompts, with a few other posts that I can sprinkle around those. I’m always trying to be more organised – I used to be super efficient, I feel I lost that somewhere along the line! #bloggerclubuk
You’re so organised! And such a productive blogger. I don’t think I could answer most of these questions as I just seem to randomly blog once or twice a week with no schedule and all my pictures are blurry iPhone ones! It’s great to see how a blogger I truly admire works though and perhaps it’s something for me to aspire to?! #BloggerClubUK
Love finding out more about how you blog Hun. It is good to find someone organised like me too. I’m off to check out your photo editing apps #BloggerClubUK
Lovely to read….I find it so interesting to find out how other people blog x
I like reading how other bloggers do there thing, so really enjoyed this one. I’m an organised blogger, too! x
Oh I’ve seen a few of these posts around but this is the first I’ve read. It’s a great idea, and I too like to find out more from behind the blogger xx #bloggerclubuk
Thanks for sharing with us. I’d also like to know how you juggle entertaining two little ones and blogging. #BloggerClubUK