A Sunday on Sark

During our recent holiday, we took a day trip from Barneville-Carteret in France to Sark (via Jersey). Four ferry crossings, juggling two small children, multiple bags and a double buggy down some steep steps and narrow gangplanks was all worth it for a lovely day out on a beautiful island.


Hubby, Jessica and Sophie (in her buggy) at the entrance to a tunnel with "Welcome to Sark" above them

A stone house along a hill in Sark


We declined the offer to take the tractor up the Harbour Hill. We weren’t prepared though for quite how steep a walk it was with both children in the buggy. Jessica’s little legs gave up on it fairly early on into the walk! On the plus side, it gave us a chance to enjoy the scenery at a more leisurely pace.


Me, hubby, Jessica and Sophie at the gold postbox in Sark


Our main incentive for visiting the island was to get to the gold postbox. This was the penultimate one on our list of Olympic postboxes (just the Isle of Man left to go). It was quite a trip just to visit a postbox but it did give us a good excuse to go somewhere we had never visited before. We’d both like to visit the Channel Islands again in the future (with a bit more time available).


A view across fields in Sark looking out to the sea

Hubby and Jessica sitting admiring the view from the horse and cart

We enjoyed walking around the island. Jessica spotted a Hungry Caterpillar scarecrow and a duck with lots of ducklings. We also took a ride on the horse and cart. This enabled us to see a little more of the island in the time available and enjoy the pretty views.


A very Hungry Caterpillar scarecrow

Mummy duck and ducklings on a pond


Jessica enjoyed recreating In the Night Garden in the park. Sophie was happy just sitting out in the sunshine. It was lovely to wander around without there being any traffic and we had a wonderful day.


Jessica recreating In the Night Garden in the park

Jessica playing with her In the Night Garden characters in the park

Sophie sitting in her buggy in the sunshine

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

12 thoughts on “A Sunday on Sark

  1. This post took me back a good many years. I visited Sark with school a very long time ago – lovely #CountryKids

  2. We visited Sark from Guernsey last year, beautiful island. I love your idea of visiting all of the gold Olympic postboxes, that’s a great target! #countrykids

    1. It was very beautiful. The gold postbox challenge has been a great incentive to visit parts of the country we might not have otherwise visited 🙂

  3. That does look like a lovely day, very pretty there and lovely sunshine 🙂

  4. Thats a really really lovely place to visit. So worth everything =) #CountryKids

  5. It looks beautiful. I haven’t been to Sark, but I have been to Jersey and loved it. Like the recreation of the night garden in the park 🙂 Sounds like it was worth the journey!

    1. It was lovely. We had a brief stop on Jersey to change ferries – wish I could have spent some time there too. Maybe next year!

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