#366daysofgratitude – Week 3

Throughout 2016 I will be posting a photo on Instagram each day, sharing something that I am grateful for each day as part of my #366daysofgratitude project. Here are the things I have been grateful for this week:

#366daysofgratitude - Week 3 - Little Hearts, Big Love

Day 17 – I am grateful for having just enough snow to build a snowman and seeing just how excited the girls were over having snow!

Day 18 – I am grateful for another day of keeping the magic of making a snowman alive. On seeing that their snowman had partially melted, the girls just reincarnated him with new accessories. I particularly like his rather fetching toupée!

Day 19 – I am grateful for warm hats and coats on cold winter days

Day 20 – I am grateful for the hand-knitted blankets that I used to wrap my girls in as babies and now are perfect for helping to keep them warm in the car

Day 21 – I am grateful for surprise happy mail in the post – love the pretty buttons and badges sent for the girls to get creative with.

Day 22 – I am thankful for Grandma coming to babysit so that hubby and I can go out for a meal

Day 23 – I am grateful for pirate-themed birthday parties and seeing the girls having so much fun with their friends
TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

4 thoughts on “#366daysofgratitude – Week 3

  1. Aw I love that you’re grateful for things, that’s so lovely and positive! I’ve been doing Karin’s Embrace Happy trying to find three good things every day, though I tend to keep that on FB. I might do a week of things which have made me grateful now – you’ve inspired me! Loving the pirate outfit!!

    1. Thank you Jo – I like the sound of finding three good things each day too, what a great challenge 🙂

    1. Thank you – not sure we’ll get any more snow so was glad we managed to build one at least! 🙂

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