Throughout 2016 I will be posting a photo on Instagram each day, sharing something that I am grateful for each day as part of my #366daysofgratitude project. Here are the things I have been grateful for this week:
Day 143 – I am grateful for the opportunity to play the piano at this morning’s church service – I so rarely play these days that it was nice to get a chance to.
Day 144 – I am grateful for an excuse to treat myself to a pretty dress – looking forward to wearing it to #BML16 next month!
Day 145 – I am grateful for time to sit and watch this gorgeous girl of mine doing one of her favourite activities. She’s just managed to put together a 54 piece jigsaw all by herself! I might be biased but I think that’s quite amazing for a 2 1/2 year old .
Day 146 – I am grateful for playdates.
Day 147 – I am grateful that the “fairies” are back at Legoland – the girls were so excited to see them again and so happy that the LEGO Friends recognised them from last year.
Day 148 – I am grateful for the lovely bond that my girls have with each other.
Day 149 – I am grateful for a fun afternoon catching up with one of my best friends from my uni days.