Throughout 2016 I will be posting a photo on Instagram each day, sharing something that I am grateful for each day as part of my #366daysofgratitude project. Here are the things I have been grateful for this week:
Day 73 – I am grateful for a fun time at today’s #ZookeeperZoe launch party – Jessica was particularly fascinated by the snakes and creepy crawlies!
Day 74 – I am grateful for spring sunshine and washing out on the line for the first time this year.
Day 75 – I am grateful for paper plates and stickers and a fun craft session this afternoon making Easter baskets.
Day 76 – I am grateful for these beautiful Easter dresses that the girls were sent in the post today – aren’t they gorgeous?
Day 77 – I am grateful for being able to indulge in a moment of nostalgia having found these in a shop recently (I didn’t know you could still get them!) – not the healthiest breakfast in the world but was yummy! Anyone still have the colour changing mug? Bonus points if it still actually changes colour!
Day 78 – I am grateful for NHS dental care and another good check-up for myself and the girls.
Day 79 – I am grateful for old-fashioned sweet shops and a fun day out stepping back in time at Milestone museum with hubby and our gorgeous girlies.
I use to have the lucky charm mug! I LOVE that cereal too, I am going to have to hunt it down
I had the mug too – hubby’s old one is still at his parents’ house but sadly no longer colour changing. I bought the cereal in B&M 🙂