For the last two years, I have taken part in a daily gratitude challenge – sharing one photo a day on Instagram of something I am grateful for. It’s taught me to look for the little things and has made me a more positive person. It has not always been easy to find something to be grateful for each day though, especially since losing my beautiful daughter Jessica in April.
One of Jessica’s godmothers once described her as a “joy carrier”. It was, and still is, such a wonderful description. She might have only had half a heart, but it overflowed with love and she brought sunshine to all who knew her. She taught me how to be strong, how to live each day to the full and how to find joy in the challenging moments. I continue with this challenge each day in honour of her.
Day 119 – I am grateful for a quiet evening watching Sophie playing the Magic Cauldron game with Daddy. Am very impressed by her maths skills too!
Day 120 – I am grateful for cuddles from Sophie.
Day 121 – I am grateful that Sophie has enjoyed playing with her toys this afternoon. She hasn’t really wanted to play with them much since Jessica died, preferring to play games or use the iPad instead. It was lovely to listen to her chattering away to herself and losing herself in her own little world.
Day 122 – I am grateful for the lovely blanket that arrived in the post today. Thank you so much to the lovely bloggers from #tribalchat and #pbuk – it is beautiful and we love all the photos on it.
Day 123 – I am grateful for bubbles.
Day 124 – I am grateful for little moments of normality in Sophie’s world which seem to be helping her. It is hard to only be taking one little girl to Girls’ Brigade, but it is lovely to see Sophie having fun there and enjoying being with other children who are a similar age. Everyone has been so lovely and supportive which also helps us as parents.
Day 125 – I am grateful for an afternoon in the sunshine with this little ray of sunshine.