#365daysofgratitude is my challenge for 2017 to share one photo a day on Instagram of something I am grateful for. I took part in a similar challenge last year and loved it so am looking forward to continuing with it this year. Here are the things that I’ve been grateful for over the past week:
Day 113 – I am grateful for a lovely weekend catching up with friends in Southampton, revisiting memories and having fun with these two beautiful girls of mine.
Day 114 – I am grateful that Jessica’s sats have picked back up again after sitting at 69-71 when the community nurse visited earlier. Will be checking them again over the next couple of days – fingers crossed they stay up.
Day 115 – I am grateful for music. Sophie’s ukulele technique needs a little work though…
Day 116 – I am grateful for adorable sibling moments.
Day 117 – I am grateful for places to explore and a lovely walk with my baby girl.
Day 118 – I am grateful for small achievements. Jessica came home from school today with her gold Reading Raccoon certificate for reading 100 books, a WOW of the Week certificate for fantastic reading and a Headteacher’s Award sticker on her top. Tonight she received her one year badge at Girls’ Brigade. So proud of her.
Day 119 – I am grateful for bluebell woods and a lovely day out with my family.