For the last two years, I have taken part in a daily gratitude challenge – sharing one photo a day on Instagram of something I am grateful for. It’s taught me to look for the little things and has made me a more positive person. Even on the difficult days, I have managed to find something that I can be thankful for. It’s now become such a positive part of my life that I’ve decided to keep going for a third year. To find something in every day that I am thankful for, no matter how small. These weekly summaries have become a lovely way of looking back across the week, and a reminder that I have so much to be thankful for. These are the things that I have been thankful this week:
Day 70 – I am grateful for my lovely Mothers’ Day cards and presents, especially this lovely ‘watch’ that Jessica made for me.
Day 71 – I am grateful for the cardiac liaison nurses at Southampton. Being able to phone someone who knows Jessica well to discuss concerns is invaluable. We’ve had another day of Jessica being off school as she is still just so wiped out after her recent virus. Having a chat with the cardiac liaison nurse today about whether this is to be expected and when I should start being concerned has been so reassuring. For now, it’s just a case of giving her time to recover and taking things slowly.
Day 72 – I am grateful that despite an attendance rate of about 20% this term, Jessica is managing to keep up at school and hasn’t dropped behind. So proud of her getting such a good report at parents’ evening. She was back at school today and on half days today and tomorrow as she recovers from last week’s virus – hopefully she’ll be able to manage full days towards the end of the week.
Day 73 – I am grateful for tea.
Day 74 – I am grateful for haircuts and being able to see my girls’ faces properly again!
Day 75 – I am grateful that Jessica was able to be back at ballet tonight for the first time since her surgery.
Day 76 – I am grateful for a lovely day meeting up with other heart families at the Little Hearts Matter open day. I was very excited to see this poster in the coffee area too saying that my book has received funding and will soon be made available to other heart families!