Combining getting outdoors with the opportunity to glue and get creative is always a winner with my girls. They both have nature books and love collecting twigs and leaves to stick in them. We’ve also made nature collages in the garden a couple of times. For our latest #30DaysWild activity, I decided to try creating a nature picture with Sophie.
Our garden is somewhat overgrown at the moment. There were plenty of different weeds, leaves and flowers for Sophie to find. The wind had blown most of the petals off the Pretty Jessica roses so she collected these up too. Every so often, she would hold up something and ask “what’s this, Mummy?” I know very little about wild plants. I can identify dandelions, buttercups and daisies but beyond that I struggle. It made for a learning experience for me too as we looked up some of the names of the plants once we were back indoors.
Once we’d identified the different plants in the basket, Sophie got busy creating her picture. It was the perfect activity for her to do with very little input needed from me. She was quite happy squeezing glue all over her piece of cardboard and sticking on the leaves, flower heads, grasses and petals. It was lovely to watch her having fun and being creative and she was very pleased with her finished picture.
This year we’re taking part in #30DaysWild – a challenge from the Wildlife Trusts to get outside each day in June, do something wild and connect with nature.
Aww that’s a lovely picture! We’ve done something similar with autumn leaves, the girls loved it.
Thanks Nat. Autumn leaves are fun for making pictures too 🙂