St Werburghs City Farm

One of the things I love about doing various treasure trails and hunts is the little places that we discover along the way – the hidden parks, monuments or interesting places to visit. Our recent Shaun in the City trail in Bristol led us to the lovely St Werburghs City Farm which was the perfect place to stop and take time out from our sheep hunt.

St Werburghs City Farm , Bristol - Little Hearts, Big Love

Naturally, our first point of call was to find Primrose – the Shaun that was located in the city farm – but once we had ticked it off our list, the girls were keen to go and see some of the animals.

St Werburghs City Farm, Bristol - Little Hearts, Big Love

They particularly liked seeing the goats and their kids who were very friendly and happy for the girls to stroke them and try to feed them. They weren’t too interested in the sticks that Sophie presented them with but the clover that Jessica offered was much more enticing. There were also some sheep busy grazing in the same field but they kept their distance.

St Werburghs City Farm, Bristol - Little Hearts, Big Love

St Werburghs City Farm, Bristol - Little Hearts, Big Love

The mini beast mansion looked quite interesting although we didn’t manage to spot any mini beasts in residence!

St Werburghs City Farm, Bristol - Little Hearts, Big Love

Jessica enjoyed watching the chickens whereas the ducks were much more popular with Sophie who did her little happy dance when she saw them – “ooh, look Mummy! Duck!”

St Werburghs City Farm, Bristol - Little Hearts, Big Love


St Werburghs City Farm, Bristol - Little Hearts, Big Love

Sadly we were a little too early to see the pigs which are due to arrive at the farm next week – I am sure the girls would have loved to have seen those.


We stopped off at the pretty hobbit-hole-like café for lunch. The food took a little time to arrive but the girls were kept busy covering Daddy with stickers so weren’t too bothered about the wait. The salt-beef sandwich I ordered was very yummy and whilst the girls weren’t that interested in their fish fingers, the ice-cream went down a treat!

My lovely hubby: one of the things that I'm thankful for this week - Little Hearts, Big Love

As well as the café, there is also a playground and a community garden near to the farm, although we didn’t manage to visit these. The farm is open seven days a week, 9am-5pm in the summer and 9am-4pm in the winter. There is no entry charge but donations are always welcomed as the farm is a registered charity.


Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

18 thoughts on “St Werburghs City Farm

  1. I always wonder how places like this manage to survive without charging. Such a great facility to find and those goats to look very friendly if about twice the size of ours! An awesome place to hide Primrose the sheep and certainly made for fun day out in Bristol. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.

    1. It was a lovely place to find one of the sheep and the goats were definitely very friendly! Lovely to link up again 🙂

  2. That looks like a lovely day out. There are lots of similar farms not too far from us and the boys love meeting the animals (and Mummy and Daddy love the donation prices 😉 ) In fact you’ve reminded me we’ve not been to a particular one which had some lovely crafts during the last holidays so we’ll definitely have to go there before the holidays end.

    1. It was a lovely way to spend the afternoon. Hope you manage to get time to go and do some crafts at the one near you 🙂

  3. What a lovely place to take time out from Shaun hunting! My son is nagging me to take him again. We have now found 35 and we will need the car to find any more. Unfortunately I’m not a confident driver and my other two kids don’t want to go again!

    1. Thank you – good luck with finding some more if you do decide to go on another hunt in the car.

  4. Looks like you guys had a great time. It’s brilliant that there are city farms so everyone can access farms, not just those in the countryside. I’m jealous of you getting on the Shaun trail. So far we’ve not seen any of them. Our trips to places, ends up just missing them.

    1. Thank you – I loved Jessica’s facepaint, it matched one of the Shauns on our trail 🙂

  5. Haha your husband looks adorable with that sticker on his face! What parents do for their kids =P

    This is such a lovely place! We love our trails too and finding new places to go when visiting the trails is really a bonus! #countrykids

    1. Thanks Jenni – it was our first trip to a city farm and the girls loved it. I remember seeing your photos of Boo feeding the animals and they were just adorable 🙂

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