Spotting signs of spring on a nature walk

Our outdoor adventures have been few and far between so far this year. As Jessica has gradually recovered from her heart surgery, we’ve been starting to get out and about a little more. At first, she needed the buggy even for short trips out. It’s been lovely to see her energy levels return and to see her managing longer walks without it. With the sunshine calling me outdoors one afternoon in early February, I thought she and Sophie might like a nature walk.


Jessica sitting next to a patch of snowdrops - "Spotting signs of spring on a nature walk"


There’s a small green space a short walk from home, known as “the meadow”. The route there isn’t buggy-friendly but I thought Jessica would be able to manage the walk. It would also be good to have some outdoor learning activities – especially as Jessica was missing out on her class doing forest school. Last time I visited with Sophie, we spotted some new plaques around the meadow – each with a different type of leaf or creature. These were perfect for doing some crayon rubbings.


Jessica and Sophie next to a plaque with a picture of a butterfly


The little plaques also provided the perfect encouragement for getting Jessica to walk a little further. They were spaced out around the meadow, leading us down new paths that we hadn’t previously explored. The girls loved taking turns to rub the pictures on to their pieces of paper. We talked about the different types of creatures and which trees the leaves came from. Later in the year, hopefully we’ll be able to spot them for real too.


Sophie rubbing a picture of some oak leaves


Jessica doing a crayon rubbing of one of the plaques


By February, I’ve had enough of winter. It always cheers me up to see the little signs that spring is just around the corner. There was a big patch of snowdrops in one corner of the meadow. Jessica also noticed that buds were starting to appear on the bare branches of the trees.


Jessica spotting buds appearing on the trees


The meadow is home to a couple of insect hotels. One of them was in a very boggy area which we avoided but the girls were fascinated by the other. We didn’t spot any insects but the girls were fascinated by all the different areas and we talked about what kinds of bugs might live in them. It will be interesting to take another look at it later in the year.


Jessica and Sophie investigating the insect hotel


No trip to the meadow is complete without a visit to the “Billy Goats Gruff Bridge” in the woods. The girls love running back and forth over it. It’s a great spot for some imaginative play. There are always plenty of sticks which become a variety of props. This time, they were walking sticks to help the girls across the bridge.


Jessica and Sophie running over the "Billy Goats Gruff Bridge"


The little mounds around the meadow are fun to play on too. I loved the way Sophie helped Jessica up these at first, until her big sister became more confident.


Sophie holding Jessica's hand and helping her over one of the mounds

Jessica running across one of the mounds with Sophie running ahead


It was lovely just to have an afternoon out and about in the sunshine, watching the girls playing together and having fun. A walk to the meadow and back was about Jessica’s limit before her surgery. At six weeks post-surgery, she was back up to managing it again. Hopefully as she continues to recover, and the warmer weather returns, we will be able to enjoy some longer walks again.


Jessica and Sophie exploring the meadow hand-in-hand


Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

28 thoughts on “Spotting signs of spring on a nature walk

  1. What a good resource to have rubbing labels around the meadow, it looks as if you found some of that elusive sunshine too, a great place to visit, with a varitey of activities for the girls. Our catkins have been proilific this year and we’re seeing some short daffodils, which come out before the regular ones.

    1. It’s lovely to see the daffodils appearing – we’ve just had the first ones start to appear in the garden 🙂

  2. It’s wonderful to see Jessica out enjoying the fresh air again after her operation, I bet Sophie’s loving being able to adventure with her older sister again. I love those plaques in the meadow, such a sweet idea, giving the kids a chance to rub the shapes onto paper, I might look into this for a plan we’re working on here on the farm. It’s great seeing the first signs of spring isn’t it?

    Thanks for linking up with me on #CountryKids.

    1. It is lovely to see them exploring again and to see Jessica’s energy levels improving. They had so much fun getting outside again 🙂

  3. So lovely to hear about your younger daughter helping her older sister. The Billy Goats is such a brilliant fairytale to put into action on a walk involving a bridge. We use the story with every bridge we come across when we’re out exploring. I don’t want my boys to grow out of that imaginative phase any time soon! #CountryKids

    1. It is lovely to see children using their imaginations when out and about. Bridges are perfect for revisiting the Billy Goats Gruff story 🙂

  4. Ahh your girls walking along holding hands, super cute. Wonderful to see you all out on a walk together, I haven’t visited your blog for a while and it is great to see how well Jessica is recovering after her last surgery. Mich x #Countrykids

    1. Thank you Mich – it is lovely to finally get out and about with the girls again and to see Jessica doing so well 🙂

  5. Lovely out door Spring-spotting adventure… although admittedly it still looks cold! We’ve also been spring spotting in our garden. We have snow-drops, crocuses and daffodils dotted all over 🙂 Now if only Spring would really come along with warmer temperature 🙂

    1. I’m quite enjoying the snow this week but am looking forward to some warmer temperatures soon! 🙂

  6. What a lovely place to explore on a nature walk. I agree with you, I’m ready for spring now as well and totally wasn’t expecting this awful cold spell we’re having now! Lovely to see the snowdrops and hopefully it will warm up soon!

    1. I’m quite enjoying having a bit of snow although would have preferred it earlier in the winter! Hopefully the warmer weather will start arriving soon though x

  7. I hope your lovely girl is recovering well. Beautiful pictures, there are so many signs of Spring but it is still so cold and due to get colder this week! I am so ready for some warmer weather #countrykids

    1. Thank you Natalie, she is doing really well. It is lovely to see signs of spring and hopefully the warmer weather will start arriving soon.

  8. I am totally with you on enough of Winter! that bug hotel looks great, shame you didnt spot any. I would really like to build a mini one for our garden but never quite got round to it xx #CountryKids

    1. We’re the same – it’s been on my list of things to do with the kids for a while x

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