Siblings – June 2014

This month has been all about being out and about enjoying sunshiny days. The photo of Jessica pushing Sophie on the swing in the garden is one of my favourites – just love the way they are looking and smiling at each other – capturing such a wonderfully precious moment. They can be so loving with each other and it is beautiful to watch.


Jessica pushing baby Sophie on a swing


We’ve been enjoying being out and about on holiday too over the last week or so.  I love this photo of my girlies together when we stopped at an aire in France. Jessica and Sophie got to sit in the front of the car with Daddy for a few minutes before we went to find food.  I’m not sure what they’re both looking at but Sophie looks like she’s about to start beeping the horn!


Jessica and Sophie sitting in the front of the car with Daddy


They were both so good sitting together for a little while on the ferry back from Sark. Here they are both looking at a magazine. It is lovely to capture a moment where they look like they’re doing something together.


Jessica and Sophie looking at a magazine on the ferry from Sark



dear beautiful

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